A beach replenishment project for the south end of Ocean City was getting started back up this week when fresh mechanical problems shut it right back down. According to Richard Pearsall, a spokesman for the US Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District, the dredge Liberty Island will be returned to Norfolk, Va. for repairs. He… Read More
Heavy equipment will begin to roll at Little Lagoon Pass in Gulf Shores this week with an ongoing dredging project ramping up additional sand-digging efforts. The area has seen a steady stream of construction equipment since December 2013 when a $12.1 million Alabama Department of Transportation project began to replace the Lee Callaway Bridge. While… Read More
A dredging project to improve the Dunkirk recreational harbor was approved by members of the Common Council Tuesday. The contact for the work is with Dean Marine of Michigan. A motion for the work had been tabled during a previous meeting, pending research and details. But on Tuesday, a revised motion with more details about the… Read More
Now that the town has state permits for all three beach projects that total more than $17 million, Town Manager Dave Bullock has a directive for Public Works Director Juan Florensa: “I’ve been directed to put the projects out to bid with the understanding we won’t do the work yet until we get final approval,”… Read More
There’s a new home for some of the sand dredged up from the Columbia River Channel Deepening Project. An 86-acre site on Puget Island in Wahkiakum County will be used as a site to dispose of dredge spoils. Three Columbia River ports are pitching in up to a total of $750,000 for an easement to… Read More
The deadline has been set. Army Corps of Engineers officials say a group of Sandwich property owners must sign paperwork by July 31 granting permanent easements on their land or the 150,000 cubic yards of sand that the Army Corps is dredging from the Cape Cod Canal will be dumped in Cape Cod Bay instead… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District, will perform emergency maintenance dredging of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) at Caney Creek and the Brazos River Floodgates in Brazoria and Matagorda counties, Texas, beginning July 21, 2015. A contract was awarded to Orion Marine Construction in the amount of $1,612,000 to remove a combined total… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is now accepting proposals from local and regional stakeholders for completed feasibility reports, proposed feasibility studies, and proposed modifications to authorized projects or studies to be conducted in partnership with the Corps. Section 7001 of Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA 2014) requires that the Secretary of the… Read More
After more than a year of delays, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is moving forward with a plan to dredge Menemsha Creek. The announcement came after the Corps awarded the Menemsha Creek Federal Navigation Project a $2.1 million contract in late June, Corps of Engineers spokesman Tim Dugan said. The funding for the maintenance… Read More
A $1 million contract to dredge the entrance channel of the Wailoa Small Boat Harbor and a portion of the inner basin has been contracted to American Marine Corporation. In addition to the widening, the Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation plans to have the inner basin of the… Read More
Egypt completed dredging for the new shipping route in the Suez Canal, which will be inaugurated on August 6th, according to a report from the armed forces published by Aswat Masriya on Thursday. This marks the dredging of a total of 250 million square metres and the digging of 70 million square metres in the… Read More
Faro council announced at the start of this week that dredging is to start on the canal between that city and Olhão. Work is due to start this month after a deal was signed between the POLIS programme and contractor Rohde Nielsen Portugal. A statement from the council elaborated that hydrographical mapping for the project… Read More
Plans for a major dredging of the Goshen dam pond are still in the works, though any actual dredging won’t likely happen until at least the spring of next year.Project leader David Troup, president of the Elkhart River Restoration Association, said that despite some hiccups with funding and timelines, the long-planned dredging project is continuing… Read More
Numerical simulations of the sediment-air-water buoyant jet released through the hopper dredgers’ overflow shaft have been performed. The release of sediments into the marine environment due to skimming the excess water from the dredging vessel’s hopper can lead to increased turbidity and adverse effects on the adjacent environment. Base-case simulations have been validated using in… Read More
After revisions at a series of community meetings, the Master Plan, presented by theBaton Rouge Area Foundation on July 16, to revive and replenish the Baton Rouge Lakes has been completed. The Master Plan comprises two phases of construction including several projects focused on the health and practical use of the lakes, according to BRAF’s… Read More