Olmsted County turned another page in the 10-year Lake Zumbro dredging project saga as the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday approved filing a formal application for $3 million in project funding. The dredging was originally planned as a $7 million project with $3.5 million in matching state funds. The state awarded 2012 bonding funds… Read More
Stevens Point residents will be seeing some dredging operation in the Wisconsin River near Pfiffner Pioneer Park over the next several weeks as Wisconsin Public Service does some riverbed remediation. WPS remediation waste manager Brian Bartoszek says they’re working to clean up the mess left when an old coal gas plant was torn down in… Read More
Panaji: The Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) has granted its approval to the Captain of Ports (CoP) to undertake dredging operations at the mouth of River Chapora, however, it has to ensure that the activity does not have any adverse environment impact. Permission has been granted to dredge in an area of around 500… Read More
The Cochin Port Trust (CPT) is working on a project to use the silt and sand dredged from the shipping channel in Kochi for construction purposes. The project assumes significance in the wake of the rising demand for sand in the State and restrictions imposed on mining sand due its environmental impact. Construction companies are… Read More
Hilton Head Island’s planned beach renourishment will begin in February and finish just in time to open the beaches for Memorial Day weekend and the busy summer tourist season, according to town engineers. The $20.7 million project will place more than 2 million cubic yards of new sand on four segments of the island’s iconic… Read More
A federal contractor is expected to soon start dredging part of Port Gardner and the Snohomish River, an annual task to keep the river’s boat channel and Everett’s seaport free of silt. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is managing the $1.1 million project with support from the Port of Everett. The work is being… Read More
With severe storms in recent years, Barnstable Harbor has experienced such extensive shoaling that officials believe one more similar winter will result in the channel being blocked to large vessels entirely. The Barnstable Town Council last week approved $490,000 for phase one of a project to dredge the outer channel of the harbor. That project… Read More
The water level in the river has fallen. The Irrigation and Flood Control Department had earlier this year issued tenders for purchasing two dredgers. The process hasn’t reached anywhere yet, said an official. Jhelum is calmer these days. The water level in the river has fallen. But there is no urgency on part of the… Read More
Work on the third phase of the boardwalk reconstruction project has begun between just north of Seventh Street to the north side of Eighth Street, Mayor Jay Gillian announced in his open letter to residents Friday, Oct. 16. In May, City Council authorized a $1.88 million contract with Walters Marine Construction, Inc. of Ocean View… Read More
Time is almost up for Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge officials to finish one phase of a major restoration project on the water. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Project Leader Al Rizzo said the deadline mandated by Congress to dredge three water channels at Prime Hook is the end of October. Restoration Project Manager Bart… Read More
The Engineering Division of Tamil Nadu Fisheries Department, which is dredging the shallow Mandapam north sea for free movement of fishing boats, plans to complete the work by November first week. The fishing harbour sub-division, which launched the Rs.55-lakh project in April to deepen the channel by 0.6 metre, has covered 280 metres using manual… Read More
ATLANTIC CITY State and federal agencies began working Thursday on a $32.5 million storm control project to protect the northern end of Atlantic City, starting with a sea wall along the Absecon Inlet. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and state Environmental Protection Department also will replace an old section of crumbling boardwalk that had… Read More
Judge Keith Long said Sandwich property owners seeking an injunction may “regret” not signing permanent easements to make dredged sand available to protect their coastal homes. A Land Court judge has denied an injunction from coastal property owners to block the town from accepting 150,000 cubic yards of dredge materials to protect Town Neck Beach…. Read More
Plans to bring back the beach along Ocean View are on the front burner once again. The bidding process has been a rough one and then the coastal storm put things behind. The city of Norfolk is trying to get the beach replenishment program back on track. Wind and water are the two enemies of… Read More
Nibulon agricultural company (Mykolaiv), Ukraine’s largest producer and exporter of grain and oilseeds, plans to start dredging works on the Southern Bug River by the end of October 2015. “By the end of October our company plans to start dredging works on the Southern Bug River using our own forces, as today public agencies do… Read More