Boaters and the recreational and commercial fishing community can look forward to easier launching and mooring as the Port of Bandon mobilizes for winter dredging of the launch ramp and marina this week. Port General Manager Gina Dearth said that equipment, including a large crane, was scheduled to pick up and set in place in… Read More
Plans to dredge the Lake Worth Inlet and dump sand onto North End beaches — plans that were in limbo this summer — are moving forward after the United States Army Corps of Engineers changed its view on the cost of sand placement. It’s a win-win for the town as it will not have to… Read More
Thousands of pounds of sand from the Gulf of Mexico spewed from a pipe Wednesday (Oct. 14) onto the re-growing beach and dunes that makes up the Caminada Headlands, the southernmost edge of Jefferson and Lafourche parishes that protects both rich wetlands just to its north and the nationally important Port Fourchon, jumping off point… Read More
When it comes to cause and effect in a maritime economy, you can’t get much bigger than the Panama Canal expansion project and its ripple effect on ports 1,800 nautical miles away. With the dredging of the Delaware River almost complete, attention has turned to regional port officials, timelines, and the question of just who… Read More
An economic impact study of yachting business along the Dania Cutoff Canal shows that the $6 million dredging project that wrapped up in 2013 has produced up to six times the economic impact that state officials thought it would. In the summer of 2014, officials from the Florida Inland Navigation District, the group that headed… Read More
The city is getting a twofer from the state, as contractors pump sand this month from a choked creek onto the city’s badly damaged north-end beaches. The state Department of Transportation is dredging out Beach Creek in Hereford Inlet to make it more navigable for boaters. After an analysis determined that the dredged material was… Read More
A preliminary assessment by the Army Corps of Engineers this week confirmed what already is evident: The rebuilt beaches at the south end of Ocean City escaped the major erosion seen at the north end during a four-day northeast gale last weekend. Many feared that the $57 million worth of sand the Army Corps finished… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing maintenance dredging of portions of the Milford Harbor Federal Navigation Project in Milford. The proposed work involves removing about 14,000 cubic yards of sandy material from portions of the 10-foot deep entrance channel in Milford Harbor. “Natural shoaling processes and storm events have reduced… Read More
In Bayou Lafourche just north of Plattenville, two dredges are working around the clock to help clear sediment from the waterway that provides drinking water to more than 300,000 people in Lafourche, Terrebonne, Assumption and Ascension parishes. The dredge work is part of a massive project called Mississippi River Reintroduction to Bayou Lafourche that is… Read More
Days after a weekend nor’easter pummeled the New Jersey coastline, state officials on Thursday filed among the first of what is expected to be hundreds of legal actions to take beachfront property to build protective dunes. The state Attorney General’s Office filed an eminent domain action against Margate to get an access easement that would… Read More
Dredging work is set to kick off at the Port of Soma in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan on 10 October, according to the nation’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism. The dredging work will be carried out at a cost of about 2 billion yen (USD16.7 million) to allow a new liquefied natural gas… Read More
As Newport Beach prepares to dump sand along the sea walls surrounding Balboa Island’s Grand Canal, residents are wondering when their dream of a fully dredged waterway may become reality. Since the Grand Canal was last dredged in the late 1990s, waterfront residents have watched as the white sand lining the passage sloughed away, transforming… Read More
North Myrtle Beach continues to struggle with maintaining and paying for its canals. Having been filled with mud and for years residents have not been able to utilize those waterways. City leaders visited Ocean Isle in North Carolina on Friday to see how such a project could be successful. The city of North Myrtle Beach… Read More
Fall is a season of change, especially in Port Stanley. The Municipality of Central Elgin is starting work on its harbour overhaul – a multimillion-dollar project that will drastically change the look and feel of the lakefront village. Over the coming months, Port Stanley passersby can expect to see different phases of the massive revitalization… Read More
For approximately 6 weeks, marine works involving dredging operations will be carried out in the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (E) :(A) 22 deg. 17.062’N / 114 deg. 11.003’E(B) 22 deg. 17.060’N / 114 deg. 11.020’E(C) 22 deg. 17.045’N / 114 deg. 11.027’E(D) 22 deg…. Read More