Posted on August 19, 2024
The Panama Canal announced through a Notice to shipping companies that as of Thursday, August 15, the maximum authorized draft allowed for ships transiting through the Neopanamax locks is 50 feet (15.24 meters), based on the current and projected level of Gatun Lake for the coming weeks.
Additionally, the increase of an additional transit quota for the Panamax locks was announced as of September 1, for a total of daily reservation quotas of 36, in a distribution of 10 quotas for Neo-Panamax vessels and 26 for Panamax vessels.
This announcement, which is part of the commemoration of the waterway’s 110 years of operations, reflects the Canal’s commitment to returning to normal operating conditions and maintaining a safe, reliable and efficient service for our customers.
The Panama Canal had to adapt its operations due to the prolonged drought resulting from climatic variations that impacted the levels of Gatún and Alhajuela lakes.
Despite this situation, this last year has been one of adaptation, guaranteeing the supply of drinking water for the population and, on the other hand, ensuring the reliability of the service to the clients of the interoceanic waterway.