Moran Iron Works, Onaway, Mich., has partnered with Ann Arbor, Mich., based Watermaster NA to manufacture a Jones Act compliant version of the Finnish-engineered AMD 5000 amphibious dredging machine. The video embedded below gives an insight into the capabilities of the machine, which has been successful worldwide for 30 years. The first American-manufactured Jones Act… Read More
Ports America Chesapeake has made significant improvements at Seagirt Marine Terminal to prepare for the expansion. Infrastructure upgrades to the terminal include technology enhancements to the Terminal Operating System (TOS), improved weigh-in-motion truck scales, and advanced visibility tools. Additional investments include four new container cranes, along with the upgrade of a second 50-foot berth. These… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is nearing the completion of its dredging contract to place near 150,000 cubic yards of dredged material that was removed from the Mississippi River navigation channel at McMillian Island near Lock and Dam 10 in Guttenberg, Iowa, to the Buck Creek Placement Site. The Corps worked… Read More
Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE: HII) reports that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division has successful completed builder’s sea trials of the U.S. Coast Guard’s newest national security cutter, Stone (WMSL 758). The ship spent three days in the Gulf of Mexico testing propulsion and auxiliary equipment, as well as various shipboard systems. “Every successful sea trial is… Read More
Are investors overlooking the risk of water scarcity? On this episode of #BLKBottomLine, Philipp Hildebrand, BlackRock Vice Chairman, explains how water stress can impact portfolios. Read more here: Source: youtube
Charleston Harbor will be the deepest on the East Coast at 52 feet in 2022, enabling #SCPorts to handle the largest ships calling the East Coast without any tidal restrictions. SC Ports CEO Jim Newsome, SC Ports COO Barbara Melvin. Sen. Lindsey Graham, Rep. Joe Cunningham and Col. Jason Kelly, Commander of USACE South Atlantic… Read More
Very impressive launch of the Suez Canal Authority CSD Mohab MAMEESH! Source: youtube
An overview of the Corps’ relationship with the Nation’s Water Resources. Download this video through the Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS): Learn more about USACE at
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. on location at Baltimore Harbor for annual maintenance dredging. Source: Ayoutube