The Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway reopens after workers for the Army Corps of Engineers opened a temporary channel in Aberdeen. Speech to Text for Tenn-Tom Waterway reopens Below is the closed-captioning text associated with this video. Since this uses automated speech to text spelling and grammar may not be accurate. clear and open for use again,… Read More
Eric Paulsen reports live for National Maritime Day and interviews Sean Duffy with the Big River Coalition about the channel deepening project to ensure safe navigation on the Mississippi River Ship Channel. Source:
Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, USACE Commanding General and 54th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, speaks with New York District’s Alex Gregory and Dan Falt about recent accomplishments at Rockaway Beach in New York. In a media event the same day, USACE and Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the maintenance dredging of East Rockaway Inlet is… Read More
The Nueces Bay Marsh is a 160 acre marsh restoration project along the Nueces Bay Causeway between Corpus Christi and Portland. Once a thriving bay ecosystem and essential habitat for juvenile fish, shrimp and crabs, as well as feeding grounds for bigger fish and birds, the marsh began to see declines in the 1940’s when… Read More
NEW YORK — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Mayor de Blasio announced the maintenance dredging of East Rockaway Inlet is expected to be completed soon. USACE contractor, Weeks Marine, Cranford, N.J. has been performing maintenance dredging of East Rockaway Inlet since April 2019 and using the dredged sand to re-nourish and restore… Read More
Taking visitors on dredging tours and other events throughout the weekend are a chance to show off what Albert Lea’s lakes have to offer. ALBERT LEA, Minn. – On Friday, people registered for the Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener were able to take a tour of the dredge on Fountain Lake. The Shell Rock River Watershed’s… Read More
Speech to Text for Huge sandbar to be removed from Tenn-Tom Waterway Below is the closed-captioning text associated with this video. Since this uses automated speech to text spelling and grammar may not be accurate. the administrator of the tenn-tom waterway development authority says that the u.s. army corps of engineers could begin work on… Read More
Arc Surveying & Mapping, Inc. has over 30 years of ports experience throughout North and South America including the Caribbean. Arc provides hydrographic, topographic, geophysical and 3D BIM products in high standard formats to many ports and most major engineering companies. Attached for your consideration is a recent Building Information Management (BIM) model of a… Read More
Title: Middle Harbor Port of Long Beach Expansion Description: In this work Manson Construction Co. is building new real estate for the port authority to expand their facilities and capacity to move cargo volume. The entire job has been monitored and measured by the use of our DJI Matrice 200 drone platform. Flights are planned… Read More
Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, USACE Commanding General and 54th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, speaks with Anthony Ciorra, Steve Couch and Frank Verga about New York District’s recovery efforts following Hurricane Sandy. Source: