The navigable channel at the mouth of the Housatonic River has become little more than a garden path, sailors say, one that bullies those who dare to venture off to one side or the other, with danger and expensive repairs lurking. Josh Twidwell, assistant manager at Brewer Stratford Marina, said even experienced boaters have run… Read More
Land-based dredging in April enabled boats to navigate the West Point Harbour entrance, but sand has returned and now emergency funding has been approved so that the channel and entrance can be cleared before lobster season opens. Egmont MP Bobby Morrissey said a barge is set to arrive at West Point on Tuesday. The dredging,… Read More
Heavy rain, unseasonal high tides and arctic gusts have affected work at the Solomontown boat ramp. The work is part of the $2 million foreshore upgrade with the aim of improving boat launching amenities and allowing bigger vessels to use the site. The riverbed is being dredged and sediments used to fill a purpose-built rock… Read More
On Thursday, city officials will gather for a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of a multi-year project that aims to transform Carteret’s waterfront into a recreation destination and transportation hub. “This is a momentous occasion in Carteret’s history,” Mayor Daniel Reiman said in a prepared statement. “We have been working on this project for… Read More
Georgetown County has postponed the public meeting to discuss the dredging project originally planned for this Thursday night. Officials claimed that delaying the meeting until after the bids on the project have been received and opened would allow the staff to be better informed and more equipped to answer the public’s questions about the timing… Read More
Dredging has resumed on the Cooper River, but this time there is not a total ban on boating. While the final phase of the $10 million dredging project is underway on the river’s upper stretch near the Cuthbert Boulevard Bridge, boating is permitted west of Veterans Island near the new Cooper House restaurant – much… Read More
The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee has asked related agencies to complete dredging of 18 canals in Hoc Mon and District 12 by the end of this year in accordance with an instruction by Secretary of the city’s Party Committee Dinh La Thang. These canals have been polluted for several years without any dredging… Read More
At its meeting on Monday, July 18, the Dare County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a $55,524 contract with Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina (CPE-NC) to obtain permits for dredging to maintain the Hatteras Inlet navigation channels. The board selected the Wilmington company at its June 20 meeting to assist the county in… Read More
The Connecticut and Rhode Island congressional delegations have reached out to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in support of a proposed rule to designate a dredged material disposal site in Eastern Long Island Sound. The lawmakers sent a letter to the EPA Monday expressing the importance of “preserving and protecting the environment” in the region…. Read More
A Manhattan judge’s ruling is allowing construction to resume at Pier 55, a 2.7-acre, $130 million island park in the Hudson River funded primarily by a foundation created by media mogul Barry Diller and his wife, fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg. A judge for the appellate division of the state Supreme Court issued a ruling… Read More
A Manhattan judge’s ruling is allowing construction to resume at Pier 55, a 2.7-acre, $130 million island park in the Hudson River funded primarily by a foundation created by media mogul Barry Diller and his wife, fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg. A judge for the appellate division of the state Supreme Court issued a ruling… Read More
Yorkshire Water’s £7 million project to replace the sea outfall pipe at Wheatcroft in Scarborough is nearing completion. Van Oord, a leading marine engineering contractor, have had numerous vessels on station in Cornelian Bay since April this year whilst excavating a trench in the seabed and installing the new pipe. In April and May, the… Read More
New Orleans is about to embark on a $115 million, three-year project to upgrade drainage in eight neighborhoods, the largest effort to date to enact new strategies focused on retaining – rather than immediately pumping out – rainwater. The federally funded projects are spread throughout the city and collectively represent the biggest recent effort to… Read More
A big dredging project on the Cedar River in Renton could help protect homes, roads and bridges from major flooding this winter. Crews plan to dredge more than 120,000 cubic yards of gravel and sediment from a 1.25 mile stretch of the river. That`s enough to fill about 1,600 swimming pools. “It’s a significant amount… Read More
Magellan Midstream Partners has announced plans to construct a new high-capacity marine terminal along the Houston Ship Channel in Pasadena, Texas, to handle refined petroleum products, including various grades of gasoline and diesel fuel and renewable fuels. The new terminal will be built on nearly 200 acres of recently-acquired land. Magellan initially plans to build… Read More