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Southern California’s Container-Ship Backlog Moves Farther Out to Sea; Biden Administation efforts ineffective so far in accelerating ocean cargo through California ports

President Joe Biden: [Screen capture from C-Span]

Posted on December 14, 2021

A recent WSJ article by Paul Berger, excerpted below, shows how the logistics pileup is continuing unabated, as bottlenecks can’t cope with a 21% increase in imports. And ocean transit times have doubled under “slow-teaming.”

Excerpt begins
Un­der the new sys­tem, ships are placed on a wait list once they leave their last port of call, of­ten in China. That gives cap­tains an es­ti­mated date for a berth and al­lows them to slow their jour­ney to the U.S.
The sys­tem has hid­den from view a big part of the ar­mada of cargo ships wait­ing to unload. But the backup at the big­gest gate­way for U.S. con­tainer im­ports re­mains as large as ever, with the lineup of ves­sels now stretch­ing across the Pa­cific, sig­naling that big vol­umes of cargo are still head­ing for port ter­mi­nals, warehouses and trans­porta­tion net­works that have been swamped by the im­ports.
The Biden ad­min­is­tration and mar­itime of­fi­cials have sought to re­duce the back­log with measures that in­cluded an at­tempt to ex­tend the hours truck­ers pick up boxes. The mea­sures have had lim­ited im­pact, in part be­cause of short­ages of work­ers, truck­ing equipment and the sheer volume of boxes flow­ing into and out of the ports.
A month ago, a then-record 86 con­tainer ships waited at an­chor or in spe­cial drift ar­eas within 40 miles of the port complex. By this week, the num­ber of ships wait­ing for a berth in the area had fallen to 30, ac­cord­ing to the Ma­rine Ex­change, while an­other 66 ships were mov­ing to­ward the port at re­duced speeds, known in the in­dus­try as slow-steam­ing, or were wait­ing out­side a new safety zone.
Some ships now take 22 to 24 days to com­plete a voy­age from Asia that used to take 10 to 14 days.
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