The Norfolk Dredging Company yesterday received a $9.3 million contract from the Army Corps for maintenance dredging works in Norfolk Harbor, Virginia. According to the Corps, the project includes maintenance dredging of the internal channels of Norfolk Harbour, by mechanical dredging. Overall, the Norfolk project will involve the deepening of the southern portion of the… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Non-Federal Sponsor, the Lower Mississippi River Conservation Committee (LMRCC), has scheduled public scoping meetings for the Hatchie-Loosahatchie Mississippi River Ecosystem Restoration Study. The meetings are scheduled for: Sept. 26, 2022: Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park Visitor Center, Park Office, 910 Riddick Road Millington, TN 38053, from 6:00 p.m. –… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, awarded a $5.5 million contract to Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Company doing business as Newt Marine Service, of Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 20, to begin constructing stage 2 of a habitat restoration project in the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge located near Prairie… Read More
PURPOSE: This technical note (TN) will outline a framework to identify beneficial and cost- effective coastal beneficial use of dredged sediment (BUDS) projects. Creation of a BUDS framework that can be applied at scale will promote sustainable BUDS practices, facilitating the delivery of flood risk management, social, and environmental benefits while still fulfilling the US… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) seeks public comment for its proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for maintenance dredging and dredged material placement for the Miami Harbor Navigation Project at Port Miami, in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The purpose of maintenance dredging is to maintain safe, efficient navigation… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District announced today that Mr. Ian Mitchell has been selected to serve as the new Engineering Division Chief for the district effective Sept. 25, 2022. As the Chief of Engineering Division, Mitchell will lead a team of more than 330 personnel responsible for the execution of engineering products… Read More
Here are the latest water levels in key south Florida water bodies for September 5 through September 11. Total volumes are reported in acre feet (AC FT). This data is provided weekly by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is the primary agency responsible for Lake Okeechobee management. All data provided in this update… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Contracting Division recently awarded a $479,740 contract on behalf of the Missouri River Project Office to create a maintenance corridor along the northern portion of the federal property line at Zorinsky Lake in Omaha between 189th Avenue and 167th Street. Zorinsky Lake is the reservoir created behind Papillion Creek Dam… Read More
In the military, deploying to different locations around the world can be and are an everyday occurrence. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines routinely must pack their bags and go to a different location for a period of time to perform their jobs, in often austere locations. In the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, these deployments… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and all eight Great Lakes states will execute a watershed study cost sharing agreement, initiating the Great Lakes Coastal Residency Study, September 21st at 8:00 am. This momentous signing event kicks off the Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study – a comprehensive watershed assessment of the Great Lakes coastal areas. This… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Institute for Water Resources (IWR) is strengthening the nation’s ability to solve complex water resource challenges through leadership development. Six planners from USACE districts nationwide completed IWR’s 2022 Planning Associates advanced training program, receiving their certification during an Aug. 24 graduation ceremony. The training targets journeyman-level professionals in… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is requesting public comments for the proposed installation of a flow control feature within Neptune Pass, a newly enlarged pass on the east bank of the Mississippi River across from Buras in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. The public comment period begins on Sept. 16 and concludes on Oct. 16,… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District commander Col. Stephen Murphy handed the reins to Col. Cullen Jones during a formal change of command ceremony at the district’s headquarters Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. Jones is the 65th commander in the district’s more than 200 years of serving New Orleans and South Louisiana. As Murphy… Read More
Cottrell Contracting Co.,* Chesapeake, Virginia, was awarded a $30,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for James River maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 11, 2025. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Non-Federal Sponsor, the Lower Mississippi River Conservation Committee (LMRCC), has scheduled a public scoping meeting for the Hatchie-Loosahatchie Mississippi River Ecosystem Restoration Study. The study is being conducted in cooperation with LMRCC, which is a coalition of state natural resource conservation and environmental quality agencies. The meeting is… Read More