Recent visitors to Huntington Harbour may have noticed a tiny unmanned vessel skimming along the water, sucking up wayward bits of trash under the direction of a remote-control device being operated by monitors on shore. Spectators near enough for a close-up look may be able to make out the words “Clean Earth Rovers” on the… Read More
Over the years, Marin has taken the initiative to restore its wetlands. The focus and work is a recognition of the importance this soggy acreage plays in the ecological chain that keeps our bays and oceans healthy and thriving. In many cases, it means restoring historic wetlands covered by years of built-up silt and blanketed… Read More
Solana Beach’s ambitious sand motor project and Oceanside’s evaluation of six preliminary solutions are redefining coastal management. These efforts promise long-term sustainability and environmental harmony to protect our shores from erosion. As the golden hues of the morning sun kiss the shores of Southern California, a colossal effort to combat coastal erosion unfolds at Solana… Read More
Two restoration projects are now funded in Marquette. The city got a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration to cover the $980,000 cost of cleaning the mouth of the Dead River as it feeds into Lake Superior by the Upper Harbor Ore Dock. The second project is the second phase of the Lake… Read More
Volusia County continues looking for ways to protect the coastline. Now, an engineering firm has been hired to look for weak spots on the beaches. Taylor Engineering was hired to identify and address the county’s most vulnerable coastline areas and propose long-term solutions to storm impacts and coastal erosion. This was funded by using $462,655… Read More
Flagler County residents began to get text messages Monday with a survey to weigh in on a beach nourishment project. The county wants to hear from residents and business owners about how they use the beach and what they would like to see done. This is part of an effort by county commissioners to learn from people… Read More
Researchers at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory (EL) are conducting field studies along the lower James River in Virginia to assess the environmental impacts of dredging and if they continue to justify the existing time-of-year restrictions (TOYR) for dredging in the area. One primary mission of the U.S. Army… Read More
The Estero Island Beach Sand Truck Haul project got underway Tuesday with some 112,000 tons of beach-compatible sand eventually being used to replace sand eroded away by Hurricane Ian. The replacement sand is from Stewart Mine in Immokalee. The project area on the beach extends from Margaritaville south to Big Carlos Pass. Beach construction activities… Read More
The Dutra Group’s Hopper Dredge, Stuyvesant, is dredging material from a designated borrow area offshore of Cape Canaveral. This material is transited to Melbourne Beach where it is offloaded through approximately 4,500’ of subline. The material is being used to build a stockpile approximately 26’ high, that has a max capacity of 160,000 CY, which… Read More
WESTLAKE, La. – Lake Charles Methanol II, LLC (LCM) announced plans to invest $3.24 billion to construct a new manufacturing plant that will produce low-carbon intensity methanol and other chemicals at the Port of Lake Charles. The company plans to use advanced auto thermal gas reforming technology and employ carbon capture and secure geologic storage… Read More
The Waterfront Alliance on Tuesday announced the Illinois Beach State Park Shoreline Stabilization Project is the first freshwater restoration to achieve WEDG® (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) Verification under WEDG’s Version 3.0. WEDG is a national rating system and set of guidelines that pushes the bar for creating resilient, ecological, and accessible waterfront design. The Illinois Beach State Park Shoreline… Read More
The US Department of Interior has announced a $157-million spending package on ecosystem restoration projects in a bid to support nationwide efforts to drive funding towards degraded lands and waters and advance climate resilience. The allocation from US President Joe Biden’s Investing in America agenda will support 206 landscape-scale restoration projects spanning 48 states, with… Read More
Over the past six months, crews have laid nearly eight miles of pipe from West Pointe à la Hache to an area of open water on the west bank of Plaquemines Parish. The crew’s work doesn’t immediately look unusual: pipeline construction is a familiar process in this part of oil-rich Louisiana. For decades now, crews… Read More
Tune in to the latest American Maritime Podcast to learn more about how dredging in America powers the U.S. economy with President and CEO of the Dredging Contractors of America: William “Bill” Doyle. In this episode, learn more about: – How dredging is important to the U.S. Economy – How the Foreign Dredge Act and… Read More
WASHINGTON — The first shipment of U.S. liquefied natural gas left Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass export terminal in Louisiana almost eight years ago, ushering in a new age of American energy exports to allies around the globe and generating tens of billions of dollars a year for the U.S. economy. But with climate change now gaining bandwidth in global… Read More