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Shipping Industry Issues Revised Guidance for Navigating Southern Red Sea

World ,

A group of prominent shipping associations have released revised security guidance for navigating the Southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in response to a series of attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthis against international shipping from Yemen. The new guidance was issued by BIMCO, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Marine Contractors… Read More

Video – Beach nourishment Emerald Isle; 90 secs of bulldozers on the beach with lots of sand

NC, United States

Dredging of the Bogue Inlet began on January 1, 2024. The dredging and beach nourishment contract is coordinated by the Army Corp of Engineers and Carteret County. The project is anticipated to take up to six weeks to complete. The targeted completion for the project is mid-February 2024. Currently, the Army Corps of Engineers contractor… Read More

UNE and the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge are using the funds to restore marshes in the Biddeford area

ME, United States

Salt marshes are essential coastal ecosystems. They lessen the violent impacts of storms, and they provide habitats for migratory birds and aquatic organisms. But in Biddeford and surrounding areas, centuries of agricultural exploitation compounded with the effects of global climate change have left these ecosystems vulnerable, stripped of their sediment and slowly slipping beneath the… Read More

U.S Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast decommissioned after 56 years of service

United States

The Coast Guard decommissioned the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast (WMEC 623) during a ceremony, Thursday, in Astoria. Rear Adm. Brendan McPherson, deputy commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area, presided over the ceremony honoring the 56 years of service Steadfast and its crews provided to the nation. Commissioned in 1968, Steadfast was one of 16 Reliance-class medium endurance cutters built… Read More

Burden potentially shifting to local beaches

DE, United States

DNREC can no longer shoulder the $10 million to $15 million annual burden of beach replenishment in the state, according to Jesse Hayden, environmental program administrator for DNREC’s shoreline and waterway management division. The agency has just launched a study to seek new funding sources, including potential cost-shares with local beach towns, and officials announced… Read More

Emerald Isle beach renovation: dredging for storm protection, habitat creation

NC, United States

Bulldozers are moving mounds of sand to renourish Emerald Isle Beach. Crews with heavy machinery are building up the sand around the point of the island – and down the beach to Doe Drive. Officials say an Army Corps of Engineers contractor is dredging 200-thousand cubic yards of sand out of the nearby waterway crossing… Read More

San Clemente Shoreline Sand Replenishment Project Update

CA, United States

SAN CLEMENTE— The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has informed the city that it is actively assessing various possibilities to resume the supply of sand. Dredging operations commenced on Dec. 21 with the contractor delivering approximately ten loads, mainly consisting of cobble, gravel and shell fragments, accompanied by some sand. However, operations within the… Read More

Winter Dredging Project In Rye Marina Wraps Up with Time To Spare

NY, United States

RYE, NY — The winter dredging work in Rye Marina is complete. The City of Rye has completed the dredging project at the Marina. Workers are now replacing the old Marina pilings and reinstalling the docks. This is expected to be completed by mid-February. The area is now being surveyed to determine the exact amount… Read More

Oceanside City Council approves sand retention project

CA, United States

OCEANSIDE, Calif. (FOX 5/KUSI) — The Oceanside City Council on Wednesday unanimously approved the Re:Beach Oceanside project at a workshop. The innovative program is aimed at restoring sand to Oceanside’s beaches. On Wednesday, North County leaders got together to rally support. “If you look behind us right now, you can see the water coming all… Read More

New Jersey denies bulkhead for shore town with wrecked sand dunes

NJ, United States

New Jersey is refusing to allow a shore town whose sand dunes have washed away in places to build a bulkhead to protect itself, ruling that no one is in imminent danger. The state Department of Environmental Protection told North Wildwood on Wednesday it will not give permission to the city to build a steel… Read More

Oceanside approves plan to build artificial headlands to restore and retain beach sand: $50mm for a million yd3 of sand

CA, United States

Oceanside’s City Council unanimously agreed Wednesday to proceed with a sand replenishment and retention project that includes pumping nearly a million cubic yards of sand from offshore deposits onto the beach and holding it there with two artificial headlands. The next steps for the “speed bumps” idea will be to complete the final engineering and… Read More

Scarborough River dredging project nearing completion with Michels Construction

ME, United States

Michels Construction Inc. is currently undertaking dredging the Scarborough River, a federal project initiated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The dredging, which began Nov. 13, aims to remove approximately 130,000 cubic yards of sandy sediment, improving navigational conditions for commercial fishing and recreational vessel traffic as part of the Scarborough River Federal… Read More

Baltimore’s trash wheels gobbled up over a million pounds of litter and debris last year

MD, United States

Baltimore’s beloved Mr. Trash Wheel and its family reached a major milestone last year: the collection of over 1 million pounds of litter and debris from the city’s waterways. The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore credits the historic milestone to a second consecutive year of operating four wheels, as well as an increase in winter rainfall… Read More

Beach vegetation traps sand and stabilizes coastal dunes

World ,

“Season” in Southwest Florida means a bevy of activities in our coastal communities. Chief among them: beach trips. The beach is one of our most celebrated natural resources, and rightly so. We know beaches as tourist magnets and economic drivers. But we less often consider the beach as habitat, a wildlife corridor spanning over 800… Read More

Solana Beach sand replenishment project begins on time despite stormy weather

CA, United States

Recent storm impacts did not disrupt the beginning of construction for the Army Corps beach sand project in mid January, which will add 700,000 cubic yards of sand along the beaches in Solana Beach, city officials said during a Jan. 24 council meeting. The project is the culmination of a plan that started in 2000…. Read More

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