Work to reroute the mouth of a river that feeds into Lake Superior began Monday. Marquette engineer officials said the city is moving a significant amount of sand at the mouth of the Dead River. The river feeds into Lake Superior next to the Upper Harbor Ore Dock. Right now, the mouth takes a detour…. Read More
Mass layoffs continue across the freight and logistics industry, with companies in California, Illinois and Michigan recently announcing job reductions and facility closures. DHL Supply Chain Third-party logistics provider DHL Supply Chain is laying off 161 workers in Joliet, Illinois, as a result of losing a customer, according to a filing with the state. Company… Read More
America’s inland waterways system is vital to our nation’s competitiveness and economic growth. The inland waterways efficiently, sustainably, cost-effectively and safely transport critical commodities like agricultural goods, energy products, building materials and industrial chemicals to destinations within the U.S. and to deep water ports for export. In 2021, nearly 500 million tons of goods valued… Read More
America’s inland waterways system is vital to our nation’s competitiveness and economic growth. The inland waterways efficiently, sustainably, cost-effectively and safely transport critical commodities like agricultural goods, energy products, building materials and industrial chemicals to destinations within the U.S. and to deep water ports for export. In 2021, nearly 500 million tons of goods valued… Read More
America’s inland waterways system is vital to our nation’s competitiveness and economic growth. The inland waterways efficiently, sustainably, cost-effectively and safely transport critical commodities like agricultural goods, energy products, building materials and industrial chemicals to destinations within the U.S. and to deep water ports for export. In 2021, nearly 500 million tons of goods valued… Read More
America’s inland waterways system is vital to our nation’s competitiveness and economic growth. The inland waterways efficiently, sustainably, cost-effectively and safely transport critical commodities like agricultural goods, energy products, building materials and industrial chemicals to destinations within the U.S. and to deep water ports for export. In 2021, nearly 500 million tons of goods valued… Read More
New York lawmakers are calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to keep dredging the Hudson River. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan, asking him to accept findings the agency’s earlier dredging efforts failed. Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, dumped into the river by General Electric are still high, making the… Read More
NEW JERSEY (WPVI) — A wooden walkway next to Atlantic City casinos credited as being the first boardwalk in the United States and a similar coastal thoroughfare in the musical home of Bruce Springsteen are among Jersey Shore boardwalks that will share $100 million in repair and reconstruction funds. New Jersey on Friday chose 18 Jersey… Read More
The executive order signed President Biden to enable the Department of Homeland Security’s authority to directly address maritime cyber threats, including through cybersecurity standards to ensure that American ports’ networks and systems are secure. The US Coast Guard will issue a Maritime Security Directive on cyber risk management actions for ship-to-shore cranes manufactured by China located at US… Read More
Maintenance dredging is ongoing at Manasquan Inlet this week, with the dredger Murden performing the work. Murden is owned and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. On Thursday night, the boat was continuing dredge operations at the inlet well after dark, using its spotlight to guide the vessel along the edge of the north jetty in… Read More
The Laguna de Santa Rosa held an open house on Wednesday, February 21, to celebrate the release of the Laguna de Santa Rosa Restoration Plan. Funded by a grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife with matching funds from Sonoma Water, this document examines six potential restoration projects in the Laguna de Santa… Read More
Dredging activities for nearshore marine facilities maintenance and development have long been known to bring adverse effects to the environment potentially. It is particularly so because of the disposal of unwanted dredged materials (DMS) at sea, which disrupts the balance of the marine ecosystem. On the other hand, industrial by-products and construction wastes such as… Read More
JACKSONVILLE, Florida — USACE Jacksonville began equipment mobilization yesterday for the re-nourishment of the St. Johns County, St. Augustine Beach, federal shore protection project. The USACE contractor began establishing a staging area at the Pope Road access point and will continue deploying equipment in the week ahead. Beach placement of dredged sand is expected to start… Read More
TOWN OF BURLINGTON — State regulators have approved plans for dredging Browns Lake, in a project that could cost $7 million and impact the lake for two years. Officials of the Browns Lake Sanitary District are preparing to solicit contractor bids for the job of excavating more than 500,000 tons of sediment. Buildup on the… Read More
US Virgin Islands Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. was at the White House Friday morning as President Biden met with the nation’s governors and signed a FEMA waiver that means $1.1b in relief to the territory. It is something Bryan has worked on for five years and helps support the continued recovery from 2017’s devastating Hurricane… Read More