Sen. Travis Hutson and Rep. Cyndi Stevenson look likely to score new money for more St. Johns County sand. The state appears poised to spend millions of dollars more on beach restoration in St. Johns County, as Northeast Florida locals continue to try to stave off storm erosion and sea level rise. The Senate has… Read More
Edgartown officials have been working to partially restore South Beach in time for summer following a series of devastating storms over the winter, but some of the area won’t be completely restored. Town parks commissioner Andrew Kelly says that his department is working to shore up the beach as much as possible and install new… Read More
WINTER GARDEN, Fla., March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, on World Seagrass Day, Florida’s leading aquatic restoration firm Sea & Shoreline announced the unveiling of a new seagrass nursery in Melbourne Beach, Fla., with the sole intent of growing over one million seagrass plants annually to plant in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), as well as a seagrass planting initiative that includes 16 projects in… Read More
It is as clear as the mud at the bottom of Lake Mitchell, right! Hopefully this will clear up a great number of misconceptions related to Lake Mitchell improvements. The big question, what exactly is the resolution by the Mitchell City Council passed at the last meeting? The last meeting set a maximum amount the… Read More
The Biden administration will sign an executive order to bolster port cybersecurity with additional actions to enhance maritime cybersecurity, secure supply chains, and strengthen the US industrial base. The executive order comes amid fears that Chinese hackers were entrenching themselves in US critical infrastructure, preparing for disruptive cyber attacks. US Coast Guard expanded mandate on port… Read More
The goal of the Surfers Beach Restoration Pilot Project is to remove sediment which has built up inside the Pillar Point Harbor (PPH) outer breakwater and move it to Surfers Beach for beneficial re-use. In addition to addressing coastal erosion and public access issues at Surfers Beach, this project would also address the issues associated… Read More
THE Gateway Development Commission (GDC) has appointed a joint venture of three contractors to deliver its $US 16bn Hudson Tunnel project to connect New Jersey with New York City. Parsons, Mace and Arcadis will build the new twin-bore tunnel as part of the programme to upgrade the Northeast Corridor (NEC) between Washington DC and Boston… Read More
The company reportedly operates two container terminals in Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul, over 80 tugboats in 30 Brazilian ports and terminals, two shipyards in Guarujá (São Paulo), over 20 offshore support vessels, two offshore support bases in Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro), a bonded logistics centre in Santo André (São Paulo), and one… Read More
As I arrived at the Port of Oakland, a high-tech nautical mud abduction was underway. On a cherry-red dredger, a 55-cubic-yard clamshell bucket hung from a crane by a webbing of cable, like a 45-ton chandelier. With open jaws, the bucket descended into the water, sank to the harbor floor, closed over a thick scoop… Read More
More than 60 years in the making, the Fire Island to Montauk Point beach reformulation project will have arrived and departed from Montauk’s downtown in barely the blink of an eye. The beach-infill component of the project known as FIMP began on Feb. 6 and was completed on Sunday, with around 475,000 cubic yards of… Read More
A brisk January morning in San Clemente might have seemed like another postcard portrait from the self-styled “Spanish village by the sea.” Surfers bobbed in the ocean while waiting to catch the next wave. Joggers glistened with sweat along the city’s popular beach trail. Couples strolled hand in hand down a lengthy, wooden pier. But… Read More
The state’s coastal authority said Thursday it remained committed to constructing its controversial $3 billion land-building project, responding to concerns that the unprecedented Mississippi River diversion could be shelved after Gov. Jeff Landry’s new administration sent mixed signals over its support. While the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority statement appeared unequivocal, the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion… Read More
With a goal of restoring the site for the benefit of the public, UC Santa Barbara has received approval from the California Coastal Commission to initiate the demolition of the Ellwood Marine Terminal (EMT) tanks, pipes and facilities. The project follows the UCSB Cheadle Center’s restoration of North Campus Open Space, and its long-term management… Read More
TOPSAIL BEACH, N.C. (WECT) – The Town of Topsail Beach announced on Feb. 26 that Norfolk Dredging has finished dredging the inlet and placing sand on the beach. The town says that they will work over the next few weeks to demobilize. You can learn more about the beach nourishment project and find maps on… Read More
SAN CLEMENTE— On Feb. 9, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District commander, Col. Andrew Baker, met with San Clemente Mayor Victor Cabral regarding the progress of the San Clemente Beach Nourishment project. The two leaders surveyed the project site near the San Clemente Pier, engaging in discussions of the project’s trajectory and… Read More