Rising sea levels due to climate change threaten our coastal communities. The City of Encinitas says it’s fighting back by building a beach along the coast and bringing in sand – 340 thousand cubic yards of sand, to be exact. The Encinitas Solana Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project is now known as the The San Diego… Read More
A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sand replenishment project has finished in Solana Beach and is gearing up to start widening the shoreline in Encinitas. Equipment is being assembled at Moonlight Beach, and sand distribution there will begin this weekend, said Daniel Heyenbruch, a civil engineer with the agency. Completion will take four to six… Read More
HOUSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–On Thursday, February 29, the Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority met for its monthly meeting. Chairman Ric Campo began by expressing his gratitude for Commissioner Cheryl Creuzot’s exceptional contributions to the commission and outstanding four years of service. Creuzot was participating in her final capacity as a member of the Port… Read More
Frustration boiled over during public comments at a March 6 Environmental Review Commission meeting (ERC) described as a Presentation to the Dredging Process and Permitting. The meeting was held at the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island. Permitting to dredge Oregon Inlet continues to be plagued by conflicting rules and regulations that some speakers felt… Read More
Multiple areas along the St Joseph River leading out to Lake Michigan are too shallow. Marina owners say the river needs dredging now, and a more long-term maintenance plan for later. Marina owners are feeling the pinch and if you can’t use the ramps, you can’t access the marinas, and boat traffic is not able… Read More
The Mississippi river flows past New Orleans, Louisiana, at an average rate of about 17,000 cubic metres per second, carrying more than a hundred million tonnes of sediment from the middle of the US into the Gulf of Mexico each year. Standing along its shore on land made of such sediment, I watch the silt… Read More
Coastal communities are looking for ways to restore their beaches and make them more resilient after two January storms eroded shorelines and demolished seawalls and piers. Dunes up and down Maine’s coast lost anywhere from 15-to-30 feet to erosion, Peter Slovinksy, a marine geologist for the state’s Geological Survey said Friday. Coastal municipalities should consider… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District began dredging today, March 8, in Muskegon Harbor to remove about 133,000 cubic yards of sediment from the federal navigation channel. The project marks the start of the 2024 Detroit District dredging season on the Western Michigan shoreline of Lake Michigan to maintain Great Lakes navigation for… Read More
Since its inception in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority has been agency tasked with helping to protect and restore our natural coastline. Recognized as one of the best restoration agencies in the country CPRA has been responsible for billions of dollars worth of restoration and protection projects, including Louisiana’s… Read More
The Dredging Contractors of America fully supports the bipartisan package of appropriations bills agreed to by the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. The package is known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024. “We understand that agreeing to move on important spending legislation takes time and an enormous amount of effort,” said William P. Doyle, Chief Executive… Read More
FOLLY BEACH, S.C. (WCBD) – A dredging project led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is helping to restore a crucial habitat for birds near Folly Beach. Bird Key-Stono Seabird Sanctuary is home to a variety of colonial nesting seabirds and shore birds. However, the animals are facing what the South Carolina Department of… Read More
Trucks are delivering 400,000 tons of sand to Sanibel’s beaches for a post-Hurricane Ian restoration project that began in December. The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is monitoring wildlife during the project, which will be completed in April prior to sea turtle nesting season. The SCCF reported that whenever such beach construction projects occur on Sanibel or… Read More
The latest effort to end a yearslong stalemate between local and federal governments over beach renourishment has itself stalled. Why it matters: Beach renourishment — the process of pumping sand onto shorelines to combat erosion — keeps Florida’s beaches accessible to the public and protects waterfront habitats and communities from storms. Such projects are expensive, running up tabs… Read More
SUAMICO (NBC 26) — The state will be spending millions of dollars to restore Longtail Point Beach after years of erosion. A project to restore the shoreline and plants at Longtail Point is estimated to cost $18-19 million 12 total restoration projects are planned in Northeast Wisconsin To get involved with the restoration efforts or… Read More
Highlights •Freshwater wetland restoration is an effective way to turn degraded wetlands from net carbon sources into carbon sinks. •Restored wetlands have a net cooling effect on the climate on average 141 to 525 years after restoration. •The radiative climate benefit of restoration does not meet the timeframe set by the Paris Agreement to limit… Read More