Wyong Shire Council’s dredging works are on track to restore the Entrance Beach despite recent inclement weather. More than 900 meters of pipes are connected from the dredge to the Entrance Channel to pump sand directly onto the Entrance Beach to help address erosion issues. Council’s Waterways and Coastal Section Manager, Mr Luke Sulkowski, has… Read More
Congresswoman Lois Frankel yesterday announced that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued their final approval of the agreement between Broward County and the Corps to restore a five-mile stretch of eroded shoreline. “Beaches are one of the lifelines of Broward County’s economy. This project will put sand back on the beach, protecting property values… Read More
The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection says they’re ready to restart critical maintenance work on flood control systems, after residents expressed concerns. The work was being done in West Hartford, Hartford, and Newington but was halted for about two weeks. It will begin again on Monday at 7 a.m. and go until 4:30 p.m…. Read More
Bad weather and damage from recent storms has pushed back the completion date of Long Beach Island’s beach replenishment project almost to Memorial Day. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company’s contract with the Army Corps of Engineers originally called for a finish date of April 12, 2016. But the Army Corps recently extended the completion… Read More
The Somerset Rivers Authority has developed a 20-year plan following flooding in 2013-14, which mostly affected people living on the Somerset Levels. It is estimated the flooding cost Somerset up to £147.5million. Around £2.7million will now be spent on dredging to try to reduce the risk of it happening again. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
Yorkshire Water’s trial works to improve the quality of the river environment downstream of Swinsty reservoir is now well underway. Salix is working with partners, Mott McDonald Bentley (MMB), Arup and the Environment Agency, along with local landowners, to monitor the results of various river restoration techniques, aimed at improving ecology in the River Washburn…. Read More
Pakistan’s largest port authority KPT (Karachi Port Trust) has just announced a tender for the port’s approach channel capital dredging work. The project calls for dredging of approximately 5 million cubic meters of material by using trailing suction hopper dredger of suitable capacity, supplemented by a cutter suction dredger and backhoe or grab dredgers, all… Read More
Maintenance Dredging St Joseph Inner Harbor Michigan
Dredging – Seward Marine Center Flood Debris
Current beach replenishment work on Long Beach Island was initially, under the base contract with Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., required to be complete by April 12, 2016. However, due to “weather delays and the need to repair areas damaged by the recent storm, we have extended the contract,” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers… Read More
Boaters in the Manasquan River who face skinny navigation channels may obtain some relief over the next few years, as the state is considering a two-phase dredging project. The project, spearheaded by the state Department of Transportation with assistance from the Ocean County freeholder board, will first focus on the navigational channels near Will’s Hole… Read More
The President of the Republic of Marshall Islands, Christopher Loeak, today officially opened the Coastal Causeway Project in Woja Island, Ailinglaplap Atoll, as part of the country’s efforts to build resilience to climate change. The project has involved constructing a rock causeway combined with soft engineering measures to strengthen the vulnerable and narrow road link… Read More
In order to improve cruises’ traffic capacity and docking manoeuvre in Ibiza port, south pier extension works started this week at Botafoc docks. Adopted solution has been the construction of three dolphin docks that will allow extending docking length until 328 and 375, in both sides of the jetty thus allowing two vessels up to… Read More
The largest private environmental restoration project in the Bay Area reached a major milestone this week with the breaching of a levee that will allow the San Francisco Bay to expand northward, restoring marshland and wildlife while also providing protection against sea-level rise. As several hundred people looked on October 25, an earthmover toppled a… Read More