The Office of Capital Improvements will host a kick-off meeting about the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging and Restoration Project to inform and answer questions from City residents and stakeholders. The project area is located between N.W. 20th Street and the confluence of Seybold Canal and the Miami River. The project’s primary objective is… Read More
Ocean City will be updating property owners on a dredging project during a public meeting to be held Saturday, June 3rd. Mayor Jay Gillian announced that the meeting will be held at the Ocean City Tabernacle to update the public on the current dredging project and to discuss long term dredging solutions. Source: 987thecoast
The annual dredging of the Oceanside harbor entrance channel has again hit rough waters. Bad weather and equipment problems have set the work days or even weeks behind schedule, though officials say they hope to catch up. The dredging began in mid-April and is to be completed by the end of May before the Memorial… Read More
Sedge Island, a small plot of land situated in the lower end of the Narrow River salt marsh, served as a board room of sorts for officials from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), who provided an update on the Narrow River restoration project to Narrow River Preservation Association (NRPA) board members while touring… Read More
City Council introduced an $18.5 million funding package Thursday night to finance a series of dredging projects, road improvements and drainage upgrades that are a major part of Mayor Jay Gillian’s capital plan this year. A public hearing and final vote on the bond ordinance are scheduled for May 23. Assuming the ordinance is approved,… Read More
After seawalls collapsed following a Cherry Grove dredging project more than a week ago, North Myrtle Beach city officials explained the walls were built improperly, which is what caused the collapse, not the dredging. Documents requested by News13 show the building of the seawall was permitted in 2007 and closed in 2009. So News13 went… Read More
As the receding water level of the Sukhna has once again become the cause for concern, experts have questioned the desilting of the lake. Notably, the Administration has decided to start de-silting after the recommendation by a committee set up by the Administration. Experts are of the view that it would not help much as… Read More
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) plans to ask for bids starting Friday to complete dredging and debris-clearing work at the diversion pool below the main Oroville Dam spillway. In a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), DWR officials said they have had several contractors since the beginning of the incident in… Read More
Georgetown County will pay an additional $404,000 for dredging of channels behind the Murrells Inlet Marsh Walk after area restaurants complained that earlier work by the county’s contractor didn’t remove enough silt. The funds were approved by County Council this week, bringing the project’s total cost to $3.9 million. “The intent of these modifications was… Read More
As Wahkiakum County commissioners try to set up a long-term dredge disposal program to nourish eroding beaches at Cape Horn and on Puget Island, they’ve encountered a concern from the US Army Corps of Engineers. The county has set up four flood control zone districts (FCZD) for beach nourishment, and commissioners are trying to obtain… Read More
LOCAL Government Minister Parveen Kumar has assured Rakiraki residents that dredging works will be carried out at the Vaileka River. Although he did not give a timeline, he said funding for the dredging works would be provided by the Ministry of Agriculture. He said following a stakeholder meeting with residents and business owners earlier this… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently reviewing the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection’s permit application for a project to clear dangerous shoals from Little Egg Inlet. The DEP’s Division of Coastal Engineering is aiming to expedite dredging so that the boat thoroughfare is more easily navigable. “Our public notice was issued April 13… Read More
Seatools announced the introduction of the fourth-generation DipMate® backhoe dredging monitoring and control systems. The upgrade encompasses two models: the Essential and Pro. The Essential is a cost-competitive visualization system that contains all essentials for efficient backhoe dredging. The Pro is an advanced version that can be delivered with a range of automation modules enabling… Read More
Ngai Tahu is calling for a $1 million bond from Lyttelton Port Company to improve the environment while it dredges a deeper channel through the harbour. The port (LPC) wants to deepen the shipping channel from 12.5 metres to 14.5m to cater for large ships that can carry 10,000 containers. Without it, the port says… Read More
The $1.5 million Green Lake dredging project has temporarily run aground as crews await the necessary permits from the Environmental Protection Agency. “We ran into some snags on the permit that allows the solids from the dredging to be taken to an approved facility,” Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Watershed Programs Director Frank Greenland told… Read More