The project to expand Incheon port, South Korea’s second-largest maritime gateway, by dredging the nearby seafloor, will be completed by the end of this month, the ministry said Wednesday. The harbor, which is currently 14 meters deep, will be dredged to 16 meters to allow large ships, such as 8,000 twenty-foot equivalent (TEU) container vessels,… Read More
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will place a draft maintenance plan for the Settlement Shores canals on public exhibition from May 30. The draft plan will guide maintenance activities within the Settlement Shores estate over the next 10 years. This includes maintenance undertaken by both council and private land owners. Some of the main maintenance activities identified… Read More
As Jacksonville considers spending big bucks to deepen its ship channel, the port of Savannah continues to solidify its position as the busiest hub in the Southeast while closing in on another record-setting year for cargo business. The Savannah seaport is on track to beat its previous record of about 3.67 million cargo container units… Read More
A $34.5 million project to widen seven miles of Norfolk beachfront is completed. Under the direction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, contractors with the Great Lakes Dredging and Dock Company worked around the clock to dredge 1.2 million cubic yards of sand and pump it onto the stretch of waterfront in the city’s… Read More
The large fences and dust cloth on the corner of SH30 and Kope Drain Road outside Whakat?ne marks the start of construction of Containment Site 1 (CS1) for the Kopeopeo Canal Remediation Project. The Project Manager, Brendon Love, said that April and May had been a busy months working with the contractors, EnviroWaste Ltd, to… Read More
A WEEKEND of celebrations is planned for Bantry on August 11th-13th to celebrate the opening of their new €9m harbour and marina development. Set for completion in mid July the works will lead to an upturn in marine tourism in the area and will build on the success of the Wild Atlantic Way. The sun… Read More
The 2017 Avalon beach fill project will finish ahead of schedule and be completed in advance of Memorial Day weekend. Nearly one million cubic yards of sand has been placed on the north Avalon beachfront in advance of Memorial Day weekend, and hurricane season which begins June 1. Avalon has received one its largest beach… Read More
The long-needed and anticipated dredging of Crestline’s Lake Gregory got underway in earnest on Monday, May 8 following over a year of delays related to the permitting process. The final of three permits needed to begin dredging was approved earlier this month when San Bernardino County officials reached an agreement with the California Department of… Read More
The Port of Cleveland was facing a serious problem. The dikes on the lakefront that contained contaminated sediment from the shipping channel on the Cuyahoga River had reached near-capacity. The Ohio EPA had determined it was not safe to deposit the sediment out in the lake. And the financially stressed port did not have $150… Read More
Napier Port has changed its mind on where it wants to dispose of 3 million cubic metres of dredged sea floor. The removal of sea floor, primarily silt and mudstone, would create a channel to a 350m wharf needed to grow the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council-owned port’s capacity and to berth bigger ships. Port chief… Read More
A crucial undertaking generations in the making, the Kissimmee River Restoration Project is showing progress. “The Kissimmee River is part of the heart of Florida and key to the restoration of America’s Everglades,” said South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Governing Board Chairman Dan O’Keefe. “Through our partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,… Read More
The Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority held a ceremony Friday to signify the signing of an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to begin work on a long-awaited project to make improvements to the Port of Ogdensburg, including dredging and deepening the St. Lawrence River at Ogdensburg Harbor. Lt. Col. Adam Czekanski, the… Read More
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) will provide funds for dredging an estimated 41,000 major tanks across the State in a phased manner. The plan has been mooted in the wake of the ‘kudimaramathu’ scheme currently being implemented in the State, said Nagoor Ali Jinnah, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Chennai. The exact… Read More
Summer is nearly here, and your family might be among the 6.5 million people expected to visit Galveston this year. Now, there’s more to enjoy. On Thursday, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, Galveston Park Board, City of Galveston officials and parts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency celebrated the completion of a $19.5 million… Read More
Officials from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have given their final approval for Northern Water to build Chimney Hollow Reservoir southwest of Loveland. Kiel Downing, Denver regulatory office chief for the Corps of Engineers, announced Wednesday afternoon the Record of Decision for the Clean Water Act permit for the Windy Gap Firming Project, which… Read More