Let’s journey to the underbelly of the waterfront, as it were, far from container and cruise ships, aircraft carriers and destroyers, tugs and barges, to vessels that are all about getting to the bottom of things: dredges. They’re as much a part of the daily life of a bustling port as, say, vacuum cleaners and… Read More
The Fox Waterway Agency may soon receive the financial assistance needed to manage the Fox River and Chain O’Lakes’ dredging issues under legislation sponsored by State Senator Pamela Althoff (R-McHenry). Charged with maintaining and removing sediment from the Fox River and Chain O’Lakes, Sen. Althoff said one of the Fox Waterway Agency’s biggest challenges is… Read More
Dredging company Jan De Nul Group acquired a contract for deepening the Port of Veracruz. The contract value is around 60 million euros (U.S. $65.5 million), Jan De Nul Group said. Under the contract, the access channel and the turning basin will be dredged, and in total, 13 million cubic meters will be removed and… Read More
A specialist contractor is going to dredge the outer harbour in Peel. Work will start soon to remove sand deposits from the area around the breakwater, the lifeboat slipway and the groyne. The sand, which has been deposited as a result of tidal and weather conditions, will be excavated and disposed of at sea at… Read More
Sarnia has hired an engineering firm to review a proposal that would see the mouth of the Cull Drain dredged, its concrete bridge abutments removed and a stone breakwall built one-quarter of a kilometre out into Lake Huron. A group of local landowners petitioned the city last fall to have the waterway designated under the… Read More
The Onitsha Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ONICCIMA) on Wednesday commended the Federal Government for the maintenance dredging of River Niger from Ajaokuta to Onitsha. Mr Dominic Ajibo, the Director-General of ONICCIMA, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Onitsha that the dredging would make Onitsha River Port a final destination from… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ sidecaster dredge Merritt arrived in Hatteras Inlet and began the long awaited dredging of the Connecting Channel for several days before it was redirected to address an emergency situation near Ocracoke Inlet. The Merritt arrived at Hatteras Inlet in late April, and was able to dredge from Saturday April… Read More
The semiannual Assateague Bypass dredging of the Ocean City Inlet continues this month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Monday. The dredge Murden arrived in Ocean City on April 28 from its home port in North Carolina and commenced operations on April 29, said Chris Gardner, a spokesman for the U.S. Army Corps of… Read More
WORK has commenced to remove the remaining bags of sediment dredged from the Ballina Boat Harbour. Parliamentary Secretary for Northern NSW, Ben Franklin said the sediment has now dried out sufficiently to allow its removal and work can soon begin to restore the site for full use. “This project supports local and regional economies by… Read More
Central Coast Council is waiting for details of the State Government’s $8 million dredging strategy before it commits to any dredging work. “My understanding is that Councils will be able to apply for funding but I haven’t seen the exact details as yet, but of course if that is the case we would be keen… Read More
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is set to officially continue the Tinian Harbor Modification Study, through a grant from the Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment. The Tinian Harbor will undergo a series of environmental, economic, and structural analyses by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the best possible options… Read More
Bart Major eagerly waited for the Shark River to be dredged — especially after being one of the unfortunate boaters left stuck in mud at low tide trying to return to his dock. Now, Major finds himself among another group of boaters: Those questioning whether the $7.6 million project to remove decades worth of sediment… Read More
THE Department of General Services (DGS) denied any information on the procurement of an amphibious excavator reportedly purchased during the administration of former Cebu City mayor Michael Rama. In a report submitted to the City Council dated April 10, DGS warehouse supply supervisor Violeta Ravina said that while the excavator was delivered to the warehouse… Read More
The dredging of York Harbor and increasing influx of recreational boats and paddlecraft on York River formed the nexus of a recent wide-ranging discussion among members of the York River Wild and Scenic Study Committee, the Harbor Board, lobstermen and conservationists. The meeting was called by study committee members in significant part to discuss concerns… Read More
Bulldozers will rumble up and down the Outer Banks near oceanfront homes this summer as towns begin long-awaited projects to widen their beaches from Duck to Kill Devil Hills. It could get noisy and it could be inconvenient. The whine of machinery and sand pumps could go on all night. Work lights could shine on… Read More