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Welsh government looking to partially infill Swansea dock channel and construct new road over it

Posted on October 19, 2023

A proposal to partially infill a channel of Swansea’s docks and construct a new road over it has been put together by the Welsh government.

Swansea Council has received an application, put together by Tetra Tech and designed by Arcadis on behalf of the Welsh government, for the partial infill of the Prince of Wales Dock (PoWD) channel and construction of a new public road, as well as a pedestrian crossing, new private dock road, associated public realm and new culvert.

The Welsh government is proposing to infill the channel entrance and construct the road to integrate the site with the surrounding land.  It believes the connection will provide a convenient east-west route across the PoWD. The proposed new public road would connect Langdon Road on the west of PoWD and Marina Road on the east.

Currently a swing bridge crosses the channel with a road on it, but is only allowed to be used by dock owners Associated British Ports. The new plans would see this private ABP road remain in use but the swing bridge will be fixed in-situ with the new public road running parallel.

The existing Associated British Ports vehicular swing-bridge access road connects Roberts Road to the east and west of the PoWD dock. To the north, the Welsh government has proposed for a pedestrian footbridge crossing to be constructed.

In terms of the construction methodology, water will be drawn from the channel to the required level for an edge protection to be installed and a foundation to be formed. Bunds are then proposed to be constructed to create an impound area with a geomembrane to be installed sealing the construction area.

The impounded area will then be filled and compounded and a stone retaining wall will be constructed on either of side of the channel infill. A temporary road will first be constructed on top of the infilling but once consolidation has stabilised the proposed permanent road will be built.

Within the Welsh government’s application it said: “The development will enhance the network of convenient and direct routes at SA1 [the dock’s postcode] and is anticipated to be well used.”


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