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US government announces 2 proposals for offshore wind sales — generating enough clean energy to power over 5 million homes

Posted on June 5, 2024

The U.S. Department of the Interior and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management just announced two exciting proposals for offshore wind sales that could generate over 18 gigawatts of squeaky clean energy. That’s enough to power more than 5 million homes, according to Electrek.

So, what’s the scoop? The first-ever offshore wind auction in the Gulf of Maine includes eight lease areas off the coasts of Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. This nearly 1 million-acre stretch has the potential to generate around 15 GW of renewable energy.

Meanwhile, a proposed lease sale in Oregon includes two areas totaling nearly 200,000 acres — one in Coos Bay and the other in Brookings. Together, they could power over 1 million homes with green energy.

This is a major milestone in the fight against pollution. By harnessing the power of offshore wind, we can provide millions of families with affordable, renewable electricity while keeping harmful gases out of our atmosphere.

It’s a win-win solution that’s good for your wallet and good for the planet. Plus, it means cleaner air and a healthier environment for our communities.

Excitingly, Maine and Oregon have both set ambitious offshore wind goals. Maine is aiming to procure up to 3 GW by 2040, while Oregon wants to reach that mark by 2030.

Since the waters are deep in both the Gulf of Maine and off the Oregon coast, these wind farms will need to use cutting-edge floating turbine technology. While building this new green energy infrastructure will take hard work and investment, the benefits will be more than worth it.

So, let’s all do our part to support this clean energy transition. By working together, we can build a brighter, more sustainable future powered by the wind and sun. The journey to a cleaner tomorrow starts today.


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