Posted on June 3, 2024
The greenhouse gas emissions produced from sending this email were approximately 4 to 6 gCO2e.*
Due to anthropogenic activities such as fishingand shipping, a wide range of marine habitats havebeen impacted around ports [31,32,33]. As such,direct engagement with ocean industries thathave a significant impact on marine habitats andecosystems provides an opportunity to alleviatetheir pressures on the marine environment andadopt sustainable practices, yielding extensiveenvironmental benefits. Accordingly, here weexplore the feasibility of restoring and revivingmarine habitats within Port locations as thesesubsea habitats hold significant potential for bothbiodiversity conservation and carbon offsetting.Targeted restoration efforts should be considereddue to the typical impact of fishing and shippingactivities on marine ecosystems, including habitatdegradation and pollution. By revitalising subseahabitats, such as seagrass meadows (or coral reefsdepending on location), we can create essentialcorridors that support a rich tapestry of marinelife. The restored habitats act as natural buffers,