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Shipping Companies Look at Sailing Away From Choked Southern California Gateways

Container ship MSC EVA, operated by Mediterranean Shipping Co., moored near the Port of Long Beach last month. Photo: Bing Guan/Bloomberg News

Posted on February 10, 2021

Excerpted from the WSJ, Feb 8, 2021

By Costas Paris

Some con­tainer lines and their im­port­ing customers are look­ing for al­ter­nate paths to get around bot­tle­necks at the main U.S. trade gate­ways in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, where an ar­mada of cargo ves­sels is an­chored off­shore at the con­gested sea­ports.

Ship­ping lines have started mov­ing some op­er­a­tions to smaller ports and have can­celed some sail­ings al­to­gether to avoid the back­ups that have tied up dozens of ships and hun­dreds of thou­sands of con­tain­ers stuffed with goods off the ports of Los An­ge­les and Long Beach.

France’s CMA CGM SA, the world’s fourth-largest con­tainer op­er­ator by ca­pac­ity, said it was re­plac­ing a weekly six-ship ser­vice from China to Los An­ge­les with a sep­a­rate sail­ing to Oak­land, Calif., and Seat­tle.

The back­ups have tied up in­ven­to­ries for weeks in some cases as ships wait to reach berths while cargo that has been off­loaded sits for long pe­ri­ods at packed freight ter­mi­nals, where op­er­a­tions have slowed as dock­work­ers have coped with an out­break of coro­n­avirus cases.

The sup­ply-chain stresses are ris­ing as a backup of ships wait­ing to get into the neigh­bor-ing South­ern Cal­i­for­nia ports has grown be­yond the num­ber that were an­chored dur­ing labor strife in 2014.

Ac­cord­ing to the Ma­rine Ex­change of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, which mon­i­tors ship traf­fic at the state’s ports, 37 con­tainer ships were an­chored off the sprawl­ing Los An­ge­les and Long Beach com­plex on Feb. 2, while 27 vessels were at berths, load­ing and un­load­ing cargo. In the first week of Feb­ruary a year ago, the group counted one ship wait­ing off­shore and 17 at the docks.

“The wait­ing time to dock is up to seven days on av­er­age, de­pend­ing on the ship type,” said Mario Cordero, ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor at the Port of Long Beach, which han­dled a record 2.4 mil­lion con­tain­ers in the fourth quar­ter of 2020, up 23% from the year-ear­lier pe­riod.

Some car­ri­ers have can­celed sail­ings rather than have their ships tied up for long stretches at a sin­gle port. Ger­man con­tainer line Ha­pag-Lloyd AG es­ti­mates it has cut be­tween 20% and 30% of its sail­ings into South­ern Cal­i­for­nia in re­cent months.

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