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Port of Lucky Bay cleared for transshipment vessels

Posted on January 5, 2021

Location: Port of Lucky Bay, Australia
Period: Q4/2020
Product type: DOP250 with cutter unit
Contractor: Polaris Marine Pty
Port of Lucky Bay cleared for transshipment vessels

The Port of Lucky Bay has a specific purpose: it has ample storage for locally grown grains. This grain is exported; its export vessels wait offshore. A number of small feeder vessels ensure the connecting transport. They load their cargo in the 2-berth shallow water port, to discharge into the large export vessels.

These activities require excellent access to the port, which has been created relatively recently.

Yet the harbour access was more and more hindered by sand built up due to natural sediment disposal. To remove these sand banks Polaris Marine Pty employed a DOP250 with cutter head.

The DOP was mounted onto a 336 CAT crane boom, and the unit was placed on a pontoon for easy maneuverability.

The DOP dredge pump removed all shallow draft sand.

The dredged material was pumped over 500 m to shore.

With the top layer of sediment gone, a Trailing Suction Hopper dredgers had access to the port again for further maintenance dredging.

The DOP250-set up completed the job in approx. 4 months’ time.

Source: dopdredgepumps

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