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Pilot Bay sand to be replenished ahead of summer

Pilot Bay erosion.

Posted on October 30, 2023

Ahead of a long, hot summer for Mount Maunganui beaches, sand will be replenished at Pilot Bay starting next week.

Also known as beach renourishment, sand is typically replenished to replace sediment that’s been lost due to storm damage, drift, wind and wave action, says a statement from Tauranga City Council.

“We are adding sand to areas across Pilot Bay which have been affected by recent weather events like Cyclone Gabrielle, which caused considerable coastal erosion.

“Sand will be replaced in small sections along Pilot Bay, meaning that parts of the beach will be temporarily fenced off and inaccessible for short periods over approximately five days.

“Working this way still maintains some beach access for our community.”

During these works, council says several carparks located near Salisbury Wharf and the corner of Salisbury Ave and The Mall, will be unavailable.

The public toilets located along The Mall (near Pacific Ave) will remain open.

The last time sand was replaced in this area was 2021.

Council says this work is weather-dependent.

“If it is delayed because of weather or other unforeseen circumstances, it may be carried out at another suitable date.”


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