Posted on January 10, 2024
Germany added 17 GW of new renewable energy capacity in 2023 with solar accounting for a substantial 14.1 GW of the total, the Federal Network Agency said on Friday, citing preliminary figures.
Europe’s largest economy has nearly 170 GW of renewable energy plants in operation, an increase of 12% as compared with the previous year.
Solar energy deployment in 2023 nearly doubled, driven by a substantial increase in private investments. Additionally, there was significant growth in solar installations on commercial rooftops and open areas. As of the close of 2023, Germany’s cumulative installed solar capacity stood at 81.7 GW. To meet the 2030 expansion goal of 215 GW for solar, the country will need to install 19 GW annually.
Onshore wind energy expansion also accelerated in 2023 as compared with 2022 with new installations totalling 2.9 GW. The cumulative installed capacity at the end of 2023 reached 60.9 GW. To meet the target of 115 GW of installed onshore wind by 2030, annual additions must reach 7.7 GW.
“When it comes to onshore wind, we are not yet where we want to be. What makes me optimistic is that significantly more permits were issued in 2023. This will pay off in an increasing number of new installations,” commented Klaus Mueller, President of the Federal Network Agency.
The only offshore wind farm to go online in Germany in 2023 was the 257-MW Arcadis Ost I in the Baltic Sea. This signifies a comparable addition of offshore wind power in 2023 compared to the preceding year. Germany’s combined installed capacity in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea now totals 8.5 GW.