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Georgetown’s inner harbor gets $6.5M for crucial dredging project

Georgetown residents can take some pride in their city.

Posted on March 13, 2024

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham announced this week that the inner harbor in Georgetown will receive $6.5 million as part of this year’s spending package.

Georgetown County leaders said the money will allow the harbor to be deepened for the first time since 2008, which is when the Army Corps of Engineers announced they’d no longer dredge the channel.

Since then, some areas of the harbor have struggled with sediment buildup with areas no more than three feet deep at low tide, which can be a hazard for boats.

The county along with the City of Georgetown said they have been working together for years to find a solution to the problem and funds for the dredging.

In 2018, they worked with Coastal Carolina University to complete a study to help identify potential engineering solutions. The following year, officials said CCU identified 13 possible solutions and recommended an engineering firm to give a further study focused on the four most feasible options.

GEL Engineering became involved in 2021, and in 2022, they presented the findings. “GEL said initial dredging of the inner harbor would be required under any scenario to maintain present uses,” Georgetown officials said.

Although it has not been determined when Georgetown will receive the funds, County Administrator Angela Christian said it will be a great day for the area.

Coupled with the support of our federal delegation and the dedication of our team, this funding marks a pivotal moment for our community,” Christian said. “Dredging will safeguard our maritime heritage and also help protect the viability of our working waterfront. We are so grateful for this investment, which will help preserve the essence of our coastal identity.


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