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Dredging: A costly yet essential process in preserving our beaches

Posted on March 27, 2024

It’s getting warmer and many people are starting to head to the beach but there’s a lot that goes into the upkeep of the beach, which can cost millions of dollars.

Here in Emerald Isle, they have just wrapped up a dredging project near the beach. Part of the dredging process helps to restore the beautiful beaches we love to visit.

But many may wonder, what is the purpose of this process?

Eastern Carolina has battled many tough storms, but those storms have a lasting impact. After Hurricanes, shorelines can either lose sand or gain too much. This can impact those living on the coast as well as beach goers.

News 12 spoke to Lisa Martin who has been going to the beach since a kid and has witnessed the damage from storms.

“They might have to come out and put more sand out and move some to another place. But we can’t just let it sit there and erode. It’s too nice here, we don’t want it to erode,” says visitor Lisa Martin.

The process of dredging is taking sand from boat lanes and placing it back onto the beach. This process can cost millions of dollars but plays a major part in maintaining our coastline.


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