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Categories for USACE

Army Corp of Engineers awards construction contract for Folsom Dam modifications

CA, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Sacramento District announced April 14 a $114.4 million construction contract awarded for the Folsom Dam Raise project to Folsom Dam Constructors (FDC), a joint venture of California Engineering Contractors, Inc. and Shimmick Construcion Company. Folsom Dam Constructors will be responsible for raising the main dam and left and… Read More

Winter dredging by Cottrell Contracting Corp replenishes Big Foot Island

NC, United States

A dredging operation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, done over the winter, to clear critical shoaling in Big Foot Slough and replenish its dredge-spoil island will benefit nesting bird habitat. The slough, located in the Pamlico Sound off Ocracoke, is a channel used by the sound ferries that go to Swan Quarter and… Read More

National Public Radio interviews US Army Corps about largest USACE project in 220 years: $34+ Billion

TX, United States

NPR The Corps has a plan to make the Galveston seawall taller, plus build new gates and dunes and other infrastructure to protect other parts of the city from rising seas. The plan would cost at least $34 billion, although that’s likely an underestimate. USACE “This will be the largest ever civil works project undertaken… Read More

Port of Gulfport and USACE Sign Dredge Study Agreement

MS, United States

GULFPORT, Miss. (WLOX) – Wednesday was a big first step in a long journey to make the Port of Gulfport even more efficient and economically viable. The Army Corps of Engineers signed an agreement with the Port of Gulfport to begin a years-long environmental and economic impact study into dredging the shipping channel into the… Read More

Weeks Marine begins Beach Renourishment of Rehoboth, Fenwick portion could last into July

DE, United States

Construction equipment is covering parts of Rehoboth Beach, the first part of a four-month project to bring more sand on to Delaware’s beaches. The US Army Corps of Engineers began work on Monday to restore 290,000 cubic yards of beach between Rehoboth and Dewey in the first of 3 phases of a project expected to… Read More

Beach closures to come this summer

NY, United States

As the weather warms up and beach season approaches, officials have provided updates on construction that will dictate where New Yorkers will be able to cool off near the Rockaways. Beaches will be closed on a rolling basis due to ongoing resiliency work by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ten to fifteen blocks of… Read More

USACE awards $59.5 million contract to construct new Deep Creek Bridge in Chesapeake

VA, United States

The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, awarded a $59.5 million contract today to Archer Western LLC of Norfolk, Virginia, to replace the Deep Creek Bridge in Chesapeake, Virginia. “We’re thrilled and honored to announce this major milestone,” said Col. Brian Hallberg, Norfolk District commander. “People in Deep Creek have waited a long time for… Read More

Contract awarded for Mississippi River dike construction near Helena, Arkansas

AR, United States

Congratulations to the Memphis District for reaching a major project milestone on March 8, 2023, and for awarding a task order for dike construction at Below Walnut Bend and Shoofly Bar near Helena, Arkansas. The project delivery team awarded the task order via the Mississippi River Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC), with $6,055,440 going… Read More

Inland Dredging Company awarded a $30 million contract for the rental of a 24-inch cutterhead pipeline dredge

AL, United States

Inland Dredging Company LLC, Dyersburg, Texas, was awarded a $30,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for the rental of a 24-inch cutterhead pipeline dredge. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of June 18, 2024. U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Mobile,… Read More

Memphis District retires legacy grader, replaces with new, faster, more efficient model

TN, United States

The Memphis District officially welcomed a new, $25.5 million Bank Grading Unit (BGU), April 11, 2023, when it docked at its new home port at Ensley Engineer Yard in Memphis, Tennessee Constructed in three years, the new BGU is replacing the district’s legacy bank grader, and with nearly 75 years of operations in the books,… Read More

Army Corps of Engineers to begin early dredging in Barcelona Harbor

NY, United States

Jim Herbert of Westfield recently took us for a walk toward the federal channel at Barcelona Harbor along Lake Erie. “You can see between those two lights, that’s the break wall,” said Herbert. “That’s the harbor entrance. You can walk across there.” That’s because it’s filled in with rocks, debris and sediment clogging about a quarter-mile… Read More

Manson Construction Co. awarded $20,967,500 contract for West Coast hopper dredging

OR, United States

Manson Construction Co., Seattle, Washington, was awarded a $20,967,500 firm-fixed-price contract for West Coast hopper dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Astoria, Oregon, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 15, 2023. Fiscal 2023 civil operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $20,967,500 were obligated… Read More

Portion of Neal Smith Trail to close for resurfacing at Saylorville Lake

IA, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, announces a portion of the Neal Smith Trail at Saylorville Lake will temporarily close for resurfacing starting April 17. The closure will extend from the Bob Shetler Ponding Area, north to NW 78th Ave, also referred to as the Saylorville Lake Dam Road. The closure is anticipated… Read More

USACE awards construction contract for Folsom Dam modifications

CA, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District awarded a $114.4 million construction contract for the Folsom Dam Raise project to Folsom Dam Constructors (FDC), a joint venture of California Engineering Contractors, Inc. and Shimmick Construction Company. Folsom Dam Constructors will be responsible for raising the main dam and left and right wing dams up… Read More

Council approves agreement with Corps of Engineers for dredge facility

OH, United States

City Council approved an agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers, allowing the Corps and its subcontractors to set up a location to offload dredged material into the city’s dredged material facility, which is currently under construction. City Manager Jim Hockaday said the agreement is the last item needed by the Corps to get the… Read More

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