Dredging of the 102.5-mile river channel to 45 feet is just one of many projects under way as Philadelphia and other Delaware River ports build new terminals that can handle various cargoes or rev up long-postponed plans for new terminals. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
Vietnam’s shipping department has drafted a proposal to deepen the Thi Vai passage, allowing Cai Mepcontainer terminal to handle larger vessels. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
Nome’s ability to attract investors and secure its role in offshore Arctic activities continues to be the main focus of the city’s Port Commission. At this month’s meeting, the commission shared concern over its inability to attract big business and even bigger visitors to Nome this summer. Along with Shell running its summer drilling operations… Read More
Matri Sadan seers have taken objection to the Uttarakhand administration seeking the Centre’s nod for dredging in the Ganga and its tributaries in Haridwar. The seers have written a strong letter to state forest minister Dinesh Agrawal on the issue. Swami Shivanand has rejected the suggestion that there is a threat of Ganga swelling and flooding… Read More
Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt has joined 27 other states in asking the Environmental Protection Agency to withdraw the final regulation regarding the “Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States.” The regulations, known generally as the “Waters of the U.S.” Rule, or WOTUS, would extend the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers’ regulatory… Read More
After sending 12 civil servants to study in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, the Jakarta administration is seeking to further cooperate with the Dutch city on water management and land reclamation. Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that Jakarta sought to learn from and imitate Rotterdam in terms of water management, as Rotterdam had hundreds of years… Read More
The Philippine Coast Guard would conduct an investigation on the large dredging machine pipe which was swept by strong waves by Typhoon Ineng, ending up in Barangay Baroro, Bacnotan town. “There is still no confirmation if where it really came from and why was that big pipe here,” said Ensign Simeon Dela Rosa, Coast Guard… Read More
Speakers at a public hearing Thursday almost unanimously endorsed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers‘ proposed 30-year dredging plan for Long Island Sound, whether they were owners of small marinas who depend on removal of sand and silt to keep their boat slips accessible or congressional representatives interested in protecting major marine assets in the… Read More
They came by kayak, sailboat, jet ski, paddleboard, pontoon boat, by whatever watercraft they could to reach a Sunday afternoon beach party the likes of which they believe Sarasota has never before experienced. On a Big Pass sandbar that at low tide stretched the equivalent of about three city blocks, 2,000 or more beachcombers —… Read More
The Philippine Coast Guard here faces a blank wall on a dredging machine pipe which was apparently swept by strong waves that ended up in Barangay Baroro Saturday afternoon. Milky Ocampo, a resident of the town, said that he saw it floating in the sea waters at about two to three in the afternoon, “Maybe… Read More
Large combat ships full of sailors ready to spend money at local businesses could soon be docking at the Navy base after a new study is completed. In a letter Bay County Manager Bob Majka received Tuesday, the state’s Department of Economic Opportunity announced Bay County will be receiving a grant of up to $185,000… Read More
The deadline for written comments on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Management Plan has been extended to 60 days, Rep. Lee Zeldin announced on Thursday. The new deadline for comments is Oct. 18, he said. Zeldin wrote to the Army Corps Aug. 10 seeking an extension of the 30-day deadline set by… Read More
Innovation, dredging and conservation all are in the cards as Kansas tries to prepare for the drought that its climate history suggests will come again. Most of Kansas endured economically painful drought in 2012 and 2013, leading farmers to downsize their livestock herds and cope with diminished yields when soil and ponds dried out. The… Read More
Navigability crisis has badly disrupted ferry services on the Shimulia-Kawrakandi route in the past two weeks, multiplying the woes of thousands of passengers of 21 southern districts. As four ro-ro ferries have remained out of operation for two weeks, 14 medium and small ferries transported goods and passengers during this period. But operations of medium… Read More
Kenya’s port of Mombasa last week handled the Maersk-operated, MV Clemens Schulte, the first time a container vessel with almost 6000 TEU capacity is calling on the East African coastline. According to a Kenya Ports Authority statement, ‘The arrival of the ship signifies yet another benefit of the completed capacity expansion projects. The dredging of… Read More