Cape May County Freeholder Marie Hayes and Cape May County Emergency Management Director Martin Pagliughi met with New Jersey Department of Environmental Commissioner Robert Martin in Trenton Oct. 13 to discuss challenges facing local municipalities, marinas and related businesses regarding dredging. During the meeting, Commissioner Martin and his staff accepted a report compiled by a… Read More
The Boston Redevelopment Authority plans to solicit developer interest in a long-vacant, 7-acre East Boston waterfront property that formerly was a Hess Corp. fuel tank farm and is zoned for maritime-industrial uses. Hess removed the tanks from the Condor Street land fronting Chelsea Creek in 1998 and cleaned it for industrial use, and the BRA… Read More
Dún Laoghaire Harbour Company’s plans to create a 390m cruise berth and ancillary dredging are an “unquantified financial gamble”, a Bord Pleanála hearing into the plans has been told. People Before Profit TD Richard Boyd Barrett said the harbour company proposals – to dredge a 1.5km harbour approach channel, a 500m turning circle to the… Read More
The UMI division of Liquid Waste Technology (LWT) recently shipped a TrashCat MS8-1500A marine skimmer to Malaysia. This machine will be used to keep portions of the Klang River free from floating debris such as plastic bottles, wood, and trash. UMI (United Marine International) was excited to host a large group of Malaysian government workers… Read More
The cloudy future of the PCB-tainted Champlain Canal just got a little more uncertain. The state Canal Corp. has scuttled its 3-year-old plan to dredge toxic PCBs from the crippled canal on the Hudson River and is crafting a new plan for review by the federal government. Canal officials met in July with officials from… Read More
The Army Corps of Engineers is preparing its recommendations on how to handle material dredged from the Mianus River and other sites in Connecticut — as the fate of the project faces a major decision on whether Federal environmental regulators will authorize continued dumping in Long Island Sound. Meanwhile, opposition from New York state is… Read More
In a bid to curb thefts of sand from along the Malaysian coastline at Selangor, the Selangor Water Management Authority (LUAS) has enlisted the help of licenced dredgers. Norfaezah Shamsuddin, coastal section head of LUAS, explained that gathering information from dredgers legally transporting sand from the area to stockpiles around Westport and Northport would help… Read More
For those involved with coastal Louisiana restoration and protection, a law that funnels federal money to local projects has been a model for cooperation between federal, state and local entities. Money from the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act, which has grown from about $30 million to nearly $80 million annually, helps pay for… Read More
CSA Global today announced the approval from the Government of Nicaragua on the resumption of the aerial survey it is conducting on behalf of its client, HKND. The recommencement of the aerial works comprises the LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) component of the survey along the proposed route of the Nicaragua Grand Canal. The LiDAR… Read More
FLOODING in downtown Cebu City might just be minimized soon. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) 7 earmarked some P50 million for the dredging of Estero Parian, a 1.6-kilometer waterway that stretches from Colon St. to Pier 2 area in Barangay Tinago. Tinago Barangay Captain Joel Garganera announced during the 888 News Forum… Read More
Northern Ireland’s Green Party leader has voiced his disappointment at the Environment Minister for failing to stop Lough Neagh sand extraction. His comments came after South Tyrone Sinn Fein MLA Bronwyn McGahan asked Mark H Durkan how he plans to address “ongoing sand dredging on Lough Neagh” at Stormont. But, because of the “recently instigated… Read More
A delegation from China Communication & Construction Company (CCCC) and China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC) paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller on Tuesday, October 13 at the Office of the Prime Minister. The delegation was led by Mr. Sun Ziyu, Vice President of CCCC and included Mr. Wang Xiaofeng, General… Read More
Dredging in county waterways will be discussed by county, state and federal officials during a forum from 5:30 to 8 p.m., Monday, Oct. 19 at the Stone Harbor Country Club, 905 Route 9 North. “Our Economy is Aground” is expected to draw speakers from the U.S. Corps of Army Engineers, as well as U.S. Rep…. Read More
At least two more boats have fallen victim to allegedly unmarked dredge pipes in local navigation channels, including an unnamed commercial vessel and a large sportfishing vessel seriously damaged in the Inlet channel last week. In two separate incidents, a commercial trawler and the sportfishing charter boat “No Quarter” struck a section of dredge pipe… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has posted two major documents supporting the Lake George twin-lakes project that proposes to dam a major tributary of the Pascagoula River. The project originated in George County and opposition to damming the tributaries Big and Little Cedar Creek has grown among proponents of the river in Jackson County… Read More