As the city and state head back to court this week over a controversial beach-replenishment project, the mayor says the focus should be on mitigating flooding in the back bays. “No matter where people stand on the dune issue, universally, everybody that I’ve spoken to agrees that our problem is in the bay. Has been…. Read More
U.S. lawmakers are looking into a new way to streamline how the federal government appropriates funds for port development projects, yoking together authorization and appropriation, READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
The U.S. Port of Oakland’s Outer Harbor Terminal filed for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, two weeks after one of its biggest tenants said it was terminating a 50-year lease with the northern California port. Last month, Ports America, one of the largest marine cargo operators in the U.S., said it was shifting its business… Read More
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO), a five state partnership of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia, released an ambitious and wide-ranging set of information on the vast natural resources and economically-important uses of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, which contribute to the health and vibrancy of the region’s coastal communities. The analytical… Read More
The City of Newport Beach’s new Eelgrass Protection and Mitigation Plan for Eelgrass in Newport Bay may be a win-win for dock owners and the environment, says Orange County Coastkeeper. Eelgrass — a foundation species, which provides important habitats and filters harmful pollutants out of our waters — is a critical component of a healthy… Read More
Seaports are seeing a steady rise in waterborne cargo volumes according to a newly released U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ report. Overall, 2014 freight tonnages increased 3.1 percent over 2013 totals. The Corps of Engineers’ Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center tracks the commercial movement of U.S. foreign and domestic cargo and vessels. All told, freight volumes… Read More
Eximbank of China, the Chinese government’s extension in terms of foreign investments, informed the Minister of Economy, Louis Paul Motazé (photo), that it had approved a prime rate loan to the Cameroonian State, for the funding of the second phase works on the industrial-port complex of Kribi. This phase 2 also includes the construction of… Read More
The N.C. State Ports Authority board agreed to spend up to $21.6 million on a project to widen the Port of Wilmington’s turning basin to accommodate larger ships. “This is a good project,” authority CEO Paul Cozza said. “It makes sense.” The project, scheduled to be completed by June 30, includes removing an existing bulk… Read More
Renewed calls have been made to look at dredging rivers in Hawick after hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes due to flooding this week. Hawick honorary provost Stuart Marshall said the town escaped serious problems “by the skin of its teeth”. He said that this had strengthened the case to speed up work… Read More
New Jersey’s environmental protection department says a bill being fast-tracked through the state Legislature would restore the public beach access rules that were struck down by an appeals court in December. DEP Commissioner Bob Martin said a bill introduced Thursday would restore the same rules that were in place before the court stuck them down…. Read More
The Minister for Public Expenditure has confirmed that he is prepared to look at the possibility of dredging parts of the River Slaney in a bid to tackle flooding in Enniscorthy. Minister Brendan Howlin was speaking on South East Radio’s Morning Mix where he announced a fund of half a million euro has been set… Read More
With containerized cargo volume for the last two years up 700,000 — a total of 23 percent — Georgia Ports Authority continues to lead container growth in the country, GPA executive director Curtis Foltz told his board Monday. The port moved a record-breaking 3.73 million TEUs — or 20-foot equivalent units — in 2015, an… Read More
This weekend’s blizzard dropped more than a foot of snow in some places across Delaware, but along the coast, high winds whipped up an ocean frenzy, devouring First State sand dunes. Large waves still crashed onto Rehoboth Beach Monday morning, but with nowhere near as much force as they had over the weekend. The northern… Read More
The leader of House Independent Bloc said that the claimant countries in the South China Sea should start considering the possible joint exploration and development in the disputed islands to peacefully resolve the tense situation in the region. Leyte Rep. Martin Romualdez, who is gunning for Senate urged all claimant countries to engage in mutually-beneficial… Read More
Senators Want Corps to Pay to Dispose of Potentially Harmful Material from Cleveland Harbor U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) urged Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jo-Ellen Darcy to use at least $2 million of its $273 million harbor and channel projects budget to make up for its… Read More