The shipping industry is likely losing millions of dollars a day in lost cargo space aboard ocean-going vessels attempting to enter and exit the sediment-clogged mouth of the Mississippi River, in part because the Army Corps of Engineers has had a hard time enticing private industry companies to dredge Southwest Pass, industry officials said Wednesday…. Read More
Owen Sound wants to discuss divestiture with Transport Canada. Council voted Monday night to notify the department that the city wishes to participate in the divestiture phase of the federal ports asset transfer program for the Owen Sound Harbour. “Should Transport Canada accept our expression of interest, it does not commit the city to divest… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) yesterday delivered to Congress its Fiscal Year 2016 (FY 2016) work plan for the Army Civil Works program. On December 18, 2015, President Obama signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, Public Law 114-113, of which Division D is the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies… Read More
New Jersey has the authority to take private beachfront property for a massive storm protection project, but it isn’t trying to turn the tracts into public land, attorneys for the state contend. The state Department of Environmental Protection by law is empowered to condemn the necessary parcels for a massive federal beach replenishment project and… Read More
A proposal to change to how Wisconsin’s shorelines are regulated is being criticized by environmental groups but supported by private owners seeking to build on their property along lakes and rivers. The bill would transfer some rights of public water banks, currently governed by the state, into the hands of private owners. Proponents say the… Read More
The ongoing dispute between the Port of Cleveland and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers played out on a public stage Wednesday during a hearing at the Cuyahoga County Council’s headquarters. At the core of the feud is the bi-annual dredging of Cleveland Harbor and the Army Corps’ proposal to dump sediment dredged from the… Read More
Bob Keistler with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Tuesday a new bid process will begin for dredging the harbor at the N.C. Port of Morehead City, even though the last set of bids were nearly twice as expensive as expected. Now the Army Corps is going to try to entice contractors to bid… Read More
Delaware’s chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to the protection of ocean, waves and beaches, says the current approach to beach replenishment comes along with high maintenance costs and increased risk of injury to beach goers. Now the organization is asking the state to consider other options to restore beach erosion that is… Read More
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe today announced over $21 million will be provided to 25 projects in 13 coastal and Great Lakes states to protect, restore or enhance more than 11,000 acres of coastal wetlands and adjacent upland habitats under the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program. State and local governments, private… Read More
NOAA’s Restoration Center works beyond our coasts—we’re addressing habitat loss in the Great Lakes region, too. We recently awarded nearly $5 million to eight projects throughout the region, to restore environmentally degraded areas. The funding will be used to remove dams and barriers, construct fish passage, clean up marine debris, restore wetlands, and remove invasive… Read More
An ambitious new project to dredge the Penryn river could see a new commuter ferry service running between Truro, Falmouth and Penryn. On Monday night Penryn Town Council heard of a vision to regenerate the town’s waterfront, along with the waterfront in Truro, by dredging channels in the two rivers to allow a fast catamaran… Read More
A generation after the first boats pulled in to the Petaluma Marina, the facility off Baywood Drive is financially underwater, facing a construction debt with the state that has grown by more than $2 million since the city’s last interest payment in 1998, according to Petaluma’s year-end financial reports for the fiscal year ended June… Read More
SCIENTISTS behind the first report on the state of Gladstone Harbour’s health say the harbour is environmentally “satisfactory”. The Healthy Harbour Report Card 2015, released this week, collected data from 13 different factors including water and sediment and habitat such as sea grass. There was no data on fish and crab health because “it wasn’t… Read More
The City of Norfolk and Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have launched an effort to complete a flood risk management study for Norfolk. The City of Norfolk is a highlighted area within the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study because it is vulnerable to flooding from rain and tidal events made worse by one… Read More
A bipartisan group led by Florida’s U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson and U.S. Reps. Alcee Hastings and Mario Diaz-Balart introduced bills Tuesday intended to green-light Everglades restoration projects by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nelson’s office reported. Nelson and Hastings, a Democrat from Palm Beach County, and Diaz-Balart, a Republican from Miami, are pushing a… Read More