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St. Johns County receives $59 million for coastal protection, ‘managed retreat’

FL, United States

With Gov. Ron DeSantis putting pen to paper in signing the state’s budget for the fiscal year Thursday, St. Johns County received $59 million — the largest amount of state appropriations the county has ever received and far more than the $12.4 million it got last year. Among the projects funded in the budget is “managed retreat”… Read More

Federal, state, and local partnership agreement for Southwest Coastal Louisiana Risk Reduction Project

LA, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana have signed a partnership agreement for the $6.5 billion Southwest Coastal Louisiana hurricane and storm damage risk reduction and coastal ecosystem restoration project. “Today’s announcement is transformative for the people of Southwest Louisiana who have held strong in the face… Read More

Town gets green light for Beer Can Island dredge

FL, United States

After some delays caused by wildlife, residents and visitors will soon be able to pass through Channel 1A along Greer Island (Beer Can Island). The dredging project will be underway by mid-July. Currently, a buildup of sand that gradually washed down shore from the beaches has made it impossible to boat through the channel. Formally… Read More

South Padre Island dredging underway

TX, United States

Dredging is now underway at South Padre Island. The dredging is part of the city’s beach re-nourishment project. The city is working with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers to restore portions of the beach impacted by severe weather. Crews are using sand and sediment dredged from the Brownsville ship channel to widen the beach…. Read More

Government Commits $50M To Replace Queensland Wharf

RI, United States

NORTH Queensland Bulk Ports hosted a visit from state government representatives this week following the announcement of $50 million in funding for the Bowen Wharf. The Queensland government allocated funding for the wharf in the 2023-24 state budget. The wharf supports towage operations for the Abbot Point export terminal. The funding covers the replacement of… Read More

USACE completes Baltimore’s Seagirt Loop Channel Study Report; identifies $64 million in modifications to channel

MD, United States

Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commanding General and 55th U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, signed a Chief’s Report for Baltimore Harbor Anchorages and Channels Modification of Seagirt Loop Channel during a ceremony at USACE Headquarters in Washington, D.C., June 22, 2023. The report recommends that Congress fund about $64 million… Read More

Kent and Sussex Counties Delaware propose hydraulic dredging

DE, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District has posted three new Public Notices: 2021-00576-85: the applicant, Patricia Schuchman, Town of Fenwick Island, proposes to hydraulically dredge two channels identified as the North Channel and South Channel within the Little Assawoman Bay. Approximately 19,000 cubic yards of material will be pumped into geotextile dewatering bags… Read More

Three Center employees recognized as best in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

AL, United States

Each year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognizes employees and teams’ contributions of excellence in performance, leadership, professional development, and community support throughout the fields of engineering and construction. Three people working in the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (Huntsville Center) Engineering Directorate (ED) received recognition as the best in USACE. Robert… Read More

ERDC scientists assist USACE New Orleans District with turbidity assessment at Bayou Rigaud

MS, United States

Scientists from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Laboratory (ERDC-EL) recently assisted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New Orleans District in measuring the turbidity near a dredging operation in the Bayou Rigaud Federal Navigation Channel. “In simple terms, turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid,” said Justin… Read More

Corps hosts public meeting for Utqiagvik coastal erosion project

AK, United States

Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District will host a public meeting Tuesday, June 27 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time in Utqiagvik at the North Slope Borough Assembly Room for anyone interested in learning about the Barrow Alaska coastal erosion project. The purpose of this event is to… Read More

Corps seeks public input on Upper Miss channel deepening project

AR, United States

The Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock and Tulsa Districts are seeking public input on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigational System (MKARNS) 12-foot channel deepening project. Public comment for the draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment will be held until July 8. USACE held four public workshops in early June to provide information about the deepening project…. Read More

Corps of Engineers to begin dredging, beach nourishment in South Haven Michigan with $540,000 contract with The King Company

MI, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District will begin hydraulically dredging the federal navigation channel and nourishing the South Haven Harbor shoreline next week. In coordination with the City of South Haven, the Corps of Engineers will dredge 57,300 cubic yards of material from the Black River Federal Channel. The tested-safe material will then… Read More

Bid Announcement for Nourishment & Channel Dredging Topsail Beach, NC

NC, United States

The Town of Topsail Beach, NC is seeking a qualified contractor to dredge approximately 1.6 million Cubic Yards of material from 12,500 linear foot channel within Topsail Inlet and Topsail Sound. The material shall be used to nourish the beach along the Town’s 23,600 linear feet of developed beach. Plans are digitally available since June… Read More

River dredging near Kellogg will be discussed at public meeting

MN, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is a hosting a public meeting Tuesday in Kellogg to provide an update on its plan to manage river sand near the Rolling Prairie Beneficial Use Site on the Mississippi River. According to the Corps’ draft plan, “the continuous removal of dredged material (river sand) from the bed of… Read More

Senator Carper awarded Gold de Fleury Medal

DE, United States

Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon, the 55th Chief of Engineers and commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, presented U.S. Senator Tom Carper of Delaware with the Gold de Fleury award on behalf of the Army Engineer Association during a ceremony today in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Carper, who currently serves as the chairman… Read More

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