Dredging and beach nourishment along South Beach is now underway in South Haven. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, began hydraulically dredging the federal navigation channel and nourishing the South Haven Harbor shoreline this past week. In coordination with the City of South Haven, the Corps of Engineers will dredge 57,300 cubic yards… Read More
Fenwick Island officials are looking at more dredging – but this time for two boating channels in the Little Assawoman Bay to improve navigation and boater safety. The town has recently filed permit applications with DNREC and the Army Corps of Engineers. A public comment period is now open regarding the first application until July… Read More
Weeks Marine Inc., Covington, Louisiana, was awarded a $20,262,250 firm-fixed-price contract for coastal storm risk management and beach renourishment. Bids were solicited via the internet with four received. Work will be performed in Vilano Beach, Florida, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 17, 2024. Fiscal 2023 civil flood control and coastal emergencies funds in… Read More
NOTICE is hereby given that sealed Bids, as that term is defined in the Contract Documents referenced herein, shall be received by the Township Clerk of the Township of Millburn (referred to herein as the “Township” or “Owner”), at its offices located at 375 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey 07041 on Tuesday, July 11, 2023,… Read More
Marinex Construction Inc., Charleston, South Carolina, was awarded a $26,061,200 firm-fixed-price contract for Savannah inner harbor maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work will be performed in Savannah, Georgia, with an estimated completion date of June 27, 2024. Fiscal 2023 civil construction funds in the amount of $26,061,200 were obligated… Read More
Harbors statewide must be dredged periodically to preserve necessary water depths. A total of 28 harbors across the state are closely monitored and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Over time, sediment and sand collect in the harbor areas, making it difficult for boats and barges to enter. The Kaunakakai Harbor will undergo… Read More
H2Ohio will provide $500,000 to support the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Mentor Marsh Coastal Restoration Project. The grant will be used to monitor and remove invasive species and grow native plants that will improve the overall health and quality of the wetland. “The restoration of Mentor Marsh aligns perfectly with our water quality initiatives… Read More
The entrance of the Black River Canal has been closed around the mouth of the waterway at Lake Huron while it awaits to be dredged ahead of the July 4 holiday. Port Huron Public Works Director Eric Witter said the area of the canal was last dredged by crews the week before the Memorial Day… Read More
The flood of 2019 made apparent the need for extensive repairs on the Missouri River training devices – dikes and revetments – that direct the downstream flow into the navigation channel to keep it deep enough for boat traffic and generally clear of debris. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocated $248 million to repair those devices… Read More
OCEAN CITY, Md. – Dredging operations are expected to begin the last week of June, according to Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources. The agency says the work will be conducted within the federal navigation channel between the Ocean City Inlet and the Atlantic Ocean. Officials ask boaters to be mindful of their wake while traveling near… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, has a robust military construction mission at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, providing more modern academic and living space for Cadets. The work maintains the standards of excellence the Academy is known for ─ preparing future leaders for the Nation’s challenges ahead…. Read More
JACKSONVILLE, Florida — USACE Jacksonville announces the publication of a proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) for Duval County, Florida Shore Protection Project, Duval County, Florida, for public review and comment. The documents evaluate selecting a sand source for continued use of up to 2.1 million cubic yards of… Read More
VICKSBURG, Miss.— Researchers from 10 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Districts have been selected for the 2023 session of the Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). Luke Navarro, a realty specialist with the Nashville District, has been chosen as a participant for this detail program, now in its eighth year. The 12 selectees were announced by ERDC-U… Read More
Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New Orleans District, participated in the Terrebonne Parish Coastal Day (TPCD) held June 15, 2023, at the Barry P. Bonvillain Civic Center in Houma, La. This annual event, which is free and open to the public, serves as an interactive showcase of Terrebonne Parish’s flood risk… Read More
The US Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority have taken the first steps towards implementing nonstructural coastal storm damage mitigation efforts to up to 4,000 residential and commercial properties in Cameron, Calcasieu and Vermillion parishes. The Southwest Coastal Louisiana Project aims to mitigate future severe weather damage to homes, businesses… Read More