Major work to protect against flooding in Somerset is set to take place after dredging contracts have been funded by Somerset Rivers Authority. At the end of November, work began along a three-kilometre stretch of the River Parrett after funding was received for two new contracts. One of the contracts has been awarded for maintenance… Read More
For a year where no construction took place, it’s been a roller coaster for Jacksonville’s dredging project. The deepening of the St. Johns River — which would allow for larger cargo ships to enter the port — went from no clear idea of funding to a proposed joint solution for environmental mitigation between environmentalists and… Read More
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has been informed by Grupo Unidos por el Canal, S.A. (GUPC), the main contractor for the design and construction of the Third Set of Locks project, that work to reinforce the sills in the new locks will be completed in January 2016. GUPC informed the ACP of the deadline during… Read More
The first federal permit application for the planned mega-port in Jasper County was filed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District on Tuesday. The filing makes the long-anticipated, $4.5 billion Jasper Ocean Terminal an eventuality, not just a dream, port officials said last week. “It’s no longer a concept. It’s now becoming a… Read More
The along awaited dredging of the navigation channel in Hickling Broad has started. It was delayed until now as the water temperature had been too high. The work is expected to continue until the end of January.
FURTHER dredging will take place on two stretches of the River Parrett this winter after new contracts were awarded through the Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA). One contract, for 2.2km upstream of Northmoor pumping station has been awarded to W M Longreach. Another contract, for 750m downstream of the same pumping station, is expected to be… Read More
It took a partnership between two counties, and financial support from two towns and the state to begin a long-anticipated dredging project on the South River.It took a partnership between two counties, and financial support from two towns and the state to begin a long-anticipated dredging project on the South River. Barnstable County recently agreed… Read More
Tons of sand stripped from Grand Strand beaches during October’s record-setting rains won’t be replenished for several years due to an unwilling political climate in Washington to secure the needed funding, local officials say. The 25-mile strip of beach that stretches from North Myrtle Beach through Myrtle Beach and beyond to Garden City Beach is… Read More
WML and Hull City Council have been granted the licence to dredge the marina lock approaches in the outer tidal basin. Dredging will take place across the weekend from 11 December 2015 with an estimated completion date of 14 December 2015. To facilitate dredging the lock will be closed to vessel traffic from 20:42(UT) 11/12/15… Read More
The Port of Bandon recently celebrated a major collaboration that is helping South Coast ports and all those who utilize them. Dredging of the port’s launch ramp is underway, said Port General Manager Gina Dearth, and following that work, the port’s marina will be dredged. The 360SL portable dredge and push boat (named the “SoCo”… Read More
Quay and dredging works have begun at PSA Panama’s International Terminal (PPIT), as part of a US$450m expansion project to raise the facility’s capacity to 2m teu. After a six month design and tendering process, the first contracts were awarded to Jan De Nul and Saipem – construction contractors headquartered in Belgium and Italy respectively…. Read More
Maintenance dredging at both the port of Walvis Bay and the port of Lüderitz is conducted periodically at intervals of approximately five to ten years as part of the ongoing maintenance programme of the Namibia Ports Authority (Namport). The last maintenance dredging was carried out in 2004. This exercise involves the removal of the fine… Read More
A private wetlands creation project in Plaquemines Parish, with the size and complexity of state-built coastal restoration work, expects to take advantage of a mitigation bank to bring back wetlands near the Mississippi River and make a profit at the same time. Mitigation banks are a vehicle by which a company doing habitat restoration work… Read More
Channels for two Fire Island marinas located in the national park will be nearly twice as wide and deep once dredging concludes in late December, officials said Wednesday. The project, which started Nov. 16, will widen the approaches to 100 feet and deepen them to 6 feet at mean low tide. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
Dredging and cathodic protection works have commenced this week, weather permitting, at An Daingean Fishery Harbour Centre in Co Kerry. The dredging works involve the removal of an existing disused slipway and dredging of the seabed material within the vicinity of the slipway in the eastern basin. The cathodic protection works involves the installation, commission… Read More