Amidst community concern, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has extended its public comment period for a proposed wetland mitigation bank in New Smyrna Beach. The federal agency, which would jointly permit the proposed 315-acre Webster Creek Mitigation Bank with the St. Johns River Water Management District, extended the deadline for comments to August 24…. Read More
The annual dredging of the Oceanside Harbor that was supposed to have been finished by Thursday will likely take another month to complete. City officials say the project has been plagued with problems this year, including a late start and numerous delays related to the equipment used by a new contractor hired by the U.S…. Read More
New York state says it could cost between $269 million and $587 million and take up to 100 years to clean up contaminants from groundwater plumes in the Bethpage, Long Island area. A Department of Environmental Conservation report released Wednesday says the contamination put drinking water at risk for 250,000 people. As CBS2’s Jennifer McLogan… Read More
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials are seeking public comments on the Seattle Harbor Navigation Improvement Project Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment. The 30-day public comment period runs Aug. 2 to 31, 2016. The documents are available for viewing online at A paper copy is available at each Seattle Public Library Delridge, West… Read More
Dredging started last week to open up the ocean bar and the shipping channel near the N.C. Port of Morehead City. The Dutra Group is working on the $7.8 million project, which is being paid for with federal funding. The project is being split into to two areas called Range A and Range B, for… Read More
The Mighty Mississippi. It’s frequented by commercial and recreational boats alike, but if the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers doesn’t dredge the river, traffic would come to a halt. The Dredge Goetz was out working in Reads Landing to remove sand from the Mississippi that was mainly deposited there by the Chippewa River. “Approximately 100,000… Read More
Village residents who live along the Fox River on Tuesday emphatically said no to any and all plans to lower the level of the waterway each and every winter. About 60 residents, many of them living along the river, gathered at the Waterford Village Hall Tuesday night to discuss how continuing efforts to dredge nearby… Read More
The Government of the Collectivité of French Saint-Martin has launched an international tender for qualified developers interested in entering into an economic investment partnership for a sustainable tourism project that will benefit nationals and visitors alike – the development of Marigot Bay Harbour in the island’s capital. The project includes the development of some 21… Read More
It’s easy to tell that Petersburg is a fishing town if you look at the harbors. With just 3,000 residents the town’s harbors hold 577 stalls. And over 90 percent of the fleet is commercial. Of the three main harbors, there’s a growing problem with the south one that holds many of the larger boats…. Read More
The Port of Ogdensburg needs to be deepened to allow additional and larger ships to dock. But that can’t happen until the Army Corps of Engineers releases a feasibility study and grants final approval. Senator Charles Schumer was in Ogdensburg Tuesday pushing for the federal agency to expedite the process. After five years of review,… Read More
The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District’s board of directors approved a staff recommendation to return a dredge that has been used for most of the summer to remove sediment from Jeffrey Lake and to solicit bids for a larger dredge on a lease/purchase basis. Gothenburg Division Manager Kevin Boyd told the board that… Read More
Longboat Key is getting even more sand this month, but don’t expect to see a caravan of dump trucks rumbling down Gulf of Mexico Drive. Starting next week, Norfolk Dredging Co. will begin mobilizing equipment including a pipe on the beach ahead of its dredge arriving to start work Aug. 15, according to an update… Read More
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has received a Multi-Agency Application for Permits to Mine in Alaska- APMA application for Suction Dredging in the Nome Mining District near the town of Nome. The mining related activity is located within Township 11 S, Range 33 W, Kateel River Meridian. The USGS 1:250,000 Quadrangle is Nome…. Read More
Residents of East Quogue and East Hampton both held discussions this week on how to appeal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to increase the amount of sand they plan to deposit on South Fork beaches in the coming years as part of a broad effort to improve Long Island’s ability to weather strong… Read More