Posted on October 13, 2016
By Lawrence Powell, Annapolis County Spectator
Harbours in West Nova will receive millions in federal funding for wharfs, breakwaters, and dredging, Member of Parliament Colin Fraser said Tuesday, Oct. 11 from the wharf at Parker’s Cove.
Fishermen were busy stacking lobster traps on the wharf for Thursday’s season opening as Fraser announced $5.7 million this year for work at Camp Cove, Cape St. Mary’s, Parker’s Cove, Pinkney’s Point, Wedge Point, and Yarmouth Bar. An additional $1.2 million will be available in future years to some projects.
The funding was made on behalf of Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc.
Fraser walked the wharf with Bayshore Harbour Authority president Shawn Everett and secretary Barry Oliver who pointed out the work that was planned to protect the inner wharves where a dozen boats tie up regularly.
A small crowd gathered as Fraser noted the work to be done and the significance of the men and women who work in the industry.
“As you know, commercial fishing is the cornerstone of many coastal communities across the province and the country,” Fraser said. “In 2015 commercial fishing contributed $6 billion to the Canadian economy. That figure represents a $1 billion increase over the previous year.”
Fraser said the industry employs 76,000 Canadians and that fish and seafood is now the country’s second largest food exporter after wheat.
“One of the pillars of this industry is our national network of small craft harbours,” said Fraser. “Our government supports over 1,000 of these harbours across Canada in communities such as yours. Keeping each of them safe, accessible, and in good repair requires considerable time, effort, and money.”
In Parker’s Cove, fishermen need armourstone protection on the west breakwater and need to repair the outer end of the west and east breakwater.
Fraser said in total this year Ottawa will invest $289 million to improve harbor infrastructure across the country.
“This will contribute to the economic well-being of coastal communities such as Parker’s Cove and will have a direct impact on the safety of harbor users,” the MP said.
He also said he’s confident the funding will continue to support the growth of the fishing industry and provide economic opportunities for middle-class Canadians.
The Projects
The $5.7 million will fund projects at small craft harbours in western Nova Scotia including:
— Camp Cove (Lower Argyle) – Replacing the deteriorated older floating wharves with new floating wharves.
— Cape St. Mary’s – Completing a project to dredge existing basin, constructing a service area and installing new floating wharves.
— Parker’s Cove – Installing armourstone protection on the west breakwater and repairing the outer end of the west and east breakwater.
— Pinkney’s Point – Reconstructing the south breakwater.
— Wedge Point (Wedgeport) – Constructing a new breakwater on the north side of the wharf, constructing a containment cell and dredging the basin.
— Yarmouth Bar – Dredging the two basins.
Source: Annapolis County Spectator