A multimillion-dollar beach replenishment project will help protect Cape May County’s waterways and its communities. Congressman Frank LoBiondo announced several provisions made under the 2016 Water Resources Development Act allowing federal funding to be applied to storm protection projects in the South Jersey county. The house approved the bill which includes a $55 million beach… Read More
Dredging is scheduled to begin October 3 to bring the federal Grays Harbor navigation channel to a deeper depth of -38 feet Mean Lower Low Water and remove accumulated sediments since the last maintenance dredging. The purpose of the dredging is to improve deep-draft vessel navigation in the Grays Harbor channel by reducing tidal delays… Read More
Almost four years after Superstorm Sandy pummeled his neighborhood so badly that Britain’s Prince Harry had to stop by for a look at the damage, Paul Jeffrey is ready to sleep soundly again. His Ortley Beach community in Toms River, New Jersey called itself ground zero of the 2012 storm that washed entire neighborhoods off… Read More
The half-billion dollar Charleston Harbor deepening project has cleared another hurdle now that the House of Representatives has passed the Water Resources Development Act. The measure approved Wednesday includes $200 million in federal money for the channel deepening project. Differences between the House and the Senate version approved earlier must now be worked out. South… Read More
Dredging is underway for a 13-mile stretch of the Napa River, as well as a heavily silted boat launch the city hopes to revive. A federal project to scoop sediment from the county’s central waterway began Sept. 12, the same day the city started clearing around a boat ramp at Kennedy Park. Environmental permits will… Read More
Stage two of Port Otago’s “Next Generation” dredging programme is under way to take most of the 13km channel to a final depth of 14m. It is expected to be completed by September next year. Stage one, to widen and deepen the channel to a 13.5m depth, has been completed, and container ship operators immediately… Read More
Following consultation with Natural England, Cowes Harbour Commission is applying to vary the existing dredge consents for the next phases of the Outer Harbour Project, the Eastern Channel dredge and Shrape extension. The application comes after Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) has agreed the final Outer Harbour Project (OHP) design layout with the Homes and Communities… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tuesday informed Aquinnah, Chilmark, and Wampanoag tribal officials that it has cleared the way for dredge contractor J-Way Southern of Avon, Ohio, to return to Martha’s Vineyard this fall to complete the unfinished $2.2 million project to dredge Menemsha Channel. J-Way is scheduled to begin mobilization activities in October,… Read More
East Hampton Town Supervisor Larry Cantwell plans to speak out Wednesday night about the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point draft general reevaluation report. The public hearing is one of four scheduled on Long Island to discuss the next phase of the Fire Island to Montauk Point Project, a… Read More
The Georgetown County Public Services Department has scheduled a public meeting to present plans for an inlet dredging project expected to begin this fall, a press release from public information officer Jackie Broach said. The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17, at the Murrells Inlet Community Center, located at 4462… Read More
The board of the Big Bear Municipal Water District voted 5-0 Sept. 15 to move forward with pursuing a 10-year maintenance-dredging permit for the district from the Army Corps of Engineers. An engineering services proposal from Moffat and Nichol was approved to not exceed $250,000 on the condition that Moffat and Nichol hold a scoping… Read More
Dredging was the main issue addressed at the Port of Lake Charles board meeting on Wednesday. Port board members approved a revision to the port’s tariff — a set of regulations governing its daily activities — that will now require incoming vessels to report their lowest draft, which is a measurement in feet for how… Read More
An access road to the city’s dredge material disposal site near the 34th Street bridge was completed last week, allowing the city a more affordable to option to continue dredge efforts in the back bay. “The completion of the temporary road to Site 83 is an extremely important step in restarting our bayside dredging program,”… Read More
The Army Corps of Engineers plans to clear 40 acres of state-owned land on Burlington Island as a deposit site for Delaware River dredge spoils. The corps received 10 contractor bids Monday for the land clearing project. Tim Boyle, Army Corps of Engineers spokesman in Philadelphia, said the plan is to award a contract by… Read More
Duval County beaches are getting a face lift this fall as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bring in about 650,000 cubic yards of sand in an effort to slow shoreline erosion. The Duval County Shore Protection Project started in mid-September and will continue until November. The project spans from Ponte Vedra Boulevard and Duval… Read More