The plan to dredge Crystal Lake has been decades in the making, and on Thursday night it took another step forward. Peabody City Council voted to approve a $2 million appropriation to dredge the West Peabody lake and part of Elginwood Pond. According to the project description, roughly 51,500 cubic yards, or 7.8 acres of… Read More
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, in a letter sent Friday, asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to postpone the completion of General Electric’s $1.6 billion cleanup of the upper Hudson River until further tests can confirm that dredging has sufficiently removed hazardous PCBs from the riverbed. The letter from Schneiderman’s office to Judith Enck,… Read More
Discerning observers and users of the Duluth-Superior harbor probably have noted a busier season than usual in the span of water between the two port cities. Double the dredging rigs and more frequent tug-and-barge traffic fill the St. Louis River estuary with nearly around-the-clock work. Operators and laborers boat in and out at shift change…. Read More
A series of forums has begun on Brevard County’s plan to help clean up the Indian River Lagoon — and on the half-cent-on-the dollar sales tax that would be used to help pay for it. Separately, Brevard County’s Natural Resources Management Department is seeking applicants from people interested in serving on a Citizen Oversight Committee,… Read More
The public has 30 days to comment on the final version of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ project to build a seawall along the East Shore. The plan includes constructing a buried seawall from Fort Wadsworth to Oakwood Beach, a floodwall around the waterfront sides of the Oakwood Beach treatment facility and a levee… Read More
Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) today commenced its baseline water quality monitoring program for its proposed channel deepening project, deploying 14 real-time water monitoring buoys throughout Lyttelton Harbour, Port Levy and offshore marine areas. Before the dredging begins, LPC must gain consent under the Resource Management Act to carry out the dredging and disposal; LPC… Read More
According to Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, it is essential that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers respect his state’s permit decision-making process and not act prematurely to initiate construction of the proposed Fargo-Moorhead Diversion before the process is complete. He said he was “dismayed” and “deeply disappointed” by the Corps proceeding with the diversion project… Read More
Parts of the Foss could be dredged by the Environment Agency, as they fight to prevent a repeat of last winter’s floods. The Environment Agency (EA) is considering dredging some local high points in the river, to improve the flow of water. Engineers are also looking at how well weirs manage water levels, and whether… Read More
The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted 95-3 to approve a bipartisan water projects bill that will be critical to ensure that Charleston’s harbor deepening project remains on track. South Carolina Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott have pushed for the $509 million harbor dredging project to move forward, backed by Gov. Nikki Haley. “This… Read More
Cockermouth residents are upset at the lack of river dredging that has taken place and are worried about the winter months ahead. The Environment Agency was due to start work in the River Derwent by Gote Bridge in June, but did not do so until July 21. Work had to be halted when the water… Read More
The Otsego County Board of Commissioners voted to rescind its earlier approval of a possible donation of property to the county by Georgia-Pacific. The 160-acre donation, located on the former G-P particleboard site in Bagley Township, was being considered as an area to place dredged material from Otsego Lake. Commissioner Ken Glasser, citing possible negative… Read More
The Guyana government is moving to purchase a new dredge that would deepen, among other waterways, the Demerara River, Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson said Thursday. For several years, shipping companies and their umbrella organisation, the Shipping Association of Guyana (SAG), have been lobbying government to dredge the Demerara River to accommodate larger ships with… Read More
Spain’s natural beauty, Doñana National Park, may become the 1st natural World Heritage site in an EU member country to be added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage in danger. Doñana faces a myriad of threats. The World Heritage site, located in southern Spain, provides habitats for as many as 4000 species, six million migratory… Read More
The opposition spokesperson on the OPW and Flood Relief, Eugene Murphy, announced a new bill on Thursday, which he said will address legislative issues surrounding the management of the Shannon. Source: Farmers Journal
Water that had been squeezed out of contaminated sediment, treated and then pumped back into a section of Pompton Lake this month still ended up with levels of pollution that were higher than the state allows, adding another hurdle to a long-delayed cleanup project that began two weeks ago. The water had elevated levels of… Read More