Seven weeks into the dredging of Port Bustamante in the Kingston Harbour to facilitate larger ships coming through the Panama Canal, the company contracted to do the excavation is reporting that there are “no visible impacts” on fishing beaches in proximity to the operation sites. Using a trailing suction hopper dredger with a capacity of… Read More
WORK to begin dredging the eastern channel in Cowes Harbour has been delayed until the end of summer 2017, according to Cowes Harbour Commission. The proposed dredging, part of the master plan to re-shape the harbour, will also see a new 400-berth marina built in East Cowes, as well as an extension to The Shrape… Read More
Aiming to mitigate the waterlogging crisis in Chittagong city, Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) has taken up a project involving around Tk 3,165.18 crore. Other objectives of the project include making the city free of flood, improving the city’s drainage system and preventing saline water intrusion. Officials of BWDB hoped that city dwellers will get… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin dredging Helena Harbor later this summer, repairing damage left by flooding in 2015 and 2016, Mayor Jay Hollowell said. The Corps has allotted $500,000 to remove silt in the 2.25-mile long, 9-foot deep harbor, the mayor said. It’s the first time dredging has been done in the… Read More
Many harbours around Donegal are clogging up with silt – but no plan is in place to see what the top priority locations are for remedial dredging works. Silted up harbours can lead to restricted movements of boats, and in the past this has led to particular difficulties for some ferry operators and fishermen, lifeboat… Read More
The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public meeting to discuss the proposal by the Waterford Waterway Management District to dispose of dredged materials from the Waterford Dam Impoundment and Tichigan Lake. The meeting is Thursday, Feb. 23, beginning at 5 p.m. at the Waterford Town Hall, 415 N. Milwaukee St. in Waterford. The… Read More
Having undertaken a dredging contract at Puducherry Port, the Dredging Corporation of India (DCI) said that it expects the critical work to be completed within a week’s time and kick-start the overall project by May this year. In a release, DCI said it is carrying out dredging work at the common entrance channel to commercial… Read More
After facing years of setbacks and obstacles, the long-awaited dredging project at Shark River has been completed. Equipment from the project, which included removing sediment and reopening the navigation channels in the Shark River, is being removed. “I’m pleased to report that with help of local and state partners, Shark River’s navigable channels have been… Read More
Holden Beach could be on the receiving end of extra sand as a byproduct of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredging project in the Lockwood Folly Inlet area. The corps will be dredging at the intersection of the Lockwood Folly River and Intracoastal Waterway within the next couple of months and placing the beach-quality… Read More
A major dredging operation on the River Tay will be a “game changer” for Perth Harbour, bosses have claimed. The £870,000 project which is expected to get under way this summer will unlock the port to larger vessels. The harbour’s future was thrown into doubt last year when it lost its biggest customer, animal feed… Read More
Dredging works at port Sabetta are to be completed by the end of 2017, IAA PortNews correspondent cites Vitaly Sknarin, Sabetta Project Coordinator, USK NOST JSC, as saying at the 4th International Forum of Dredging Companies held in Moscow on 15 February 2017. USK MOST OJSC functions as the General Contractor for constructing transport infrastructure… Read More
Bulldozers will begin rumbling onto the beach in late May as widening projects in three towns get under way. Visitors and residents can expect 1,000-foot stretches at a time to be closed through September as dredges pump sand from offshore onto the beaches in Duck, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills and possibly Southern Shores. In… Read More
CYNICISM surrounds Ports North’s request for a six-month extension to perform further wet season studies in its Cairns Port dredging environmental impact study. The Cairns Post yesterday revealed the study’s due date had been stretched out to December 31 with minimal public notification. Cairns and Far North Environment Centre president Denis Walls said the cause… Read More
After nearly two years of meetings with experts in the fishing industry, environmental scientists and engineers, elected officials and business owners along the four coastal counties, and two public dredging forums and a collection of White Papers prepared by the Dredging Working Group, their efforts took a step forward Jan. 30, when Senate Bill No…. Read More
Work on the $1.5 million Green Lake dredging project could be getting under way as early as next week. A surveying crew took to the “Duck Pond” in a small boat on Tuesday (Feb. 14), but only as far into the eastern forebay — off Attleboro Road — as they could without running aground in… Read More