Thanks to the environmentalists, the Dredging Corporation of India (DCI) on Saturday suspended dredging of the fishing harbour after silt and debris including toxic waste from the confluence of two drains were pumped into the sea through pipelines laid at the old pier. A top official of DCI said the Corporation had started dredging the… Read More
Royal Caribbean International’s cruise ship, Adventure of the Seas, is resuming calls to Port Castries. Following a successful dredging exercise undertaken by the Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority (SLASPA), the 310 metre-long voyager class vessel can again dock at Pointe Seraphine. The ship had previously been unable to dock at the city’s port… Read More
A new contractor has been chosen to dredge the remaining sand in Menemsha Creek in Aquinnah and Chilmark after the original company was fired by the Army Corps of Engineers for failing to finish the work last season. The Corps’ New England District signed a takeover agreement last month to hire H & L Dredging… Read More
Although the physical evidence is often subtle, progress on the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project — or SHEP — continues at a steady pace, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has primary responsibility for the nearly $1 billion effort to deepen the Savannah River channel. This week the Corps announced it has completed… Read More
BOATIES are hoping dredging near Cardwell boat ramps can gain approval as low tides continue to dip and restrict access to the water. Preliminary work on the dredging spoil ponds at Hinchinbrook Harbour has begun. Concerns have been raised about boaties’ safety after the Cardwell Coast Guard posted a photograph of the muddy marina to… Read More
Citing “regulatory issues,” Shaker and NEORSD officials recently announced new plans to go with 100 percent hydraulic dredging that will require no draining of Green Lake. Using a dredging barge and de-watering belt presses to be set up between Lee and Andover roads, the work is set to begin the first week of August and… Read More
Less than two weeks into the job, the Merritt has pulled out of a dredging operation designed to clear the badly shoaled Lockwood Folly Inlet. The Merritt is a side-cast dredge that tosses dredged sediments to the side. A spokesperson for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Monday the vessel had returned to the… Read More
Federal assistance may be on the way for the state’s latest Everglades restoration effort. But the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says it will need another month to figure out how to join in Senate President Joe Negron’s plan for a reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee. Col. Jason Kirk, the Florida commander for the U.S…. Read More
Buffalo County might join with Wabasha County and other units of local government upset with a proposed Army Corps of Engineers long-range plan for depositing dredged sand on properties bordering the Mississippi River along Lower Pool 4 in the Alma, Nelson and Cochrane areas. A draft plan introduced publicly by the Corps of Engineers in… Read More
In May, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a draft plan for dealing with the millions of cubic yards of sand and other dredgings it will haul out of the Mississippi River in the Wabasha area over the next 40 years. The plan calls for depositing much of it on what’s now privately owned… Read More
It’s a milestone for SHEP (Savannah Harbor Expansion project) that took about a year to accomplish and at a cost of $6.5 million. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says contractors “raised a dike” in an area just across the river in South Carolina where dredged material (from smaller projects) has been stored. The dike… Read More
A proposal to use dredge spoils to prepare East Trinity for development has been written off by environmentalists who are not convinced dredging will necessarily go ahead. Federal Minister for Northern Australia Senator Matt Canavan heard of the plan last week during a helicopter tour over Cairns, with members of the Cairns Port Development group… Read More
The Tisbury harbormaster is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to dredge in the Vineyard Sound and Lake Tashmoo inlet channel in order to use the sand for beach nourishment. The town hopes to dredge 25,000 cubic yards of “sandy material” over 10 years from 5.1 acres of subtidal habitat in… Read More
CHRISTCHURCH council’s application to raise part of Avon Beach promenade by nearly a metre has been submitted. The borough approved the scheme back in February, but must win backing from its own planning committee before work can begin. The £120,000 scheme will “raise the middle section of Avon Beach Promenade by 900mm over approximately 250m”… Read More
Waterfront homeowners are finally getting the help they say they have needed for years: The New Jersey Department of Transportation said it will dredge five channels in the Forked River area. For years waterfront homeowners on the Forked River struggled to get their boats through the channel’s shallow sections and into Barnegat Bay. It was… Read More