In the wake of release of toxic waste into the sea from the contaminated inner channel of Thengaithittu fishing harbour during dredging work which was carried out to operationalise the port, Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi has requested Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy to hold consultation with the elected representatives and all stakeholders to arrive at an… Read More
The Board of Commissioners continued an executive session Friday morning that was started following Thursday’s lengthy public meeting. The commissioners met in closed session to discuss a strategy going into court-ordered negotiations with the state Department of Environmental Protections and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday morning. All beaches, except for… Read More
Some environmental groups are trying to halt the deepening of the Port of Coos Bay. Thursday, the Oregon Supreme Court agreed to review a petition from environmental groups challenging a Court of Appeals opinion, which upheld the Department of State Lands’ (DSL) decision to issue a permit crucial to the Jordan Cove LNG project as… Read More
A group of residents included in one of the city’s first special tax districts created to pay for neighborhood dredging wants its money back. In a lawsuit filed in federal court, six homeowners in Chesopeian Colony said the city “gerrymandered” the community to get enough support for a special tax that pays for clearing waterways… Read More
A decision by a contractor in a major infrastructure scheme in West Cork to “keep the public informed” of its progress has been lauded by a TD as the way forward. Civil engineering contractors Wills Bros Ltd has reported “significant progress” on a €16m flood relief scheme in Bandon. The company is confident of continued… Read More
East Chicago remains a concern for local environmentalists as public outcry has temporarily stalled the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from receiving a permit that would allow storage of toxic sludge from the Indiana Harbor and Shipping Canal in the city. For longtime environmentalist Colleen Aguirre, it’s familiar territory. She was part of the opposition… Read More
Valencia Port Authority (APV) is to dredge 690,000 cubic metres to deepen existing quays to accommodate vessels of up to 20,000 teu. The recovered spoil will then be used as infill material for Phase I of the new northern container terminal. The work, which will cost €5.2m, should see both projects finished in mid-2018. APV… Read More
More than 20,000 items ranging from a human skull to shoes and sea mines have been discovered during dredging work in Portsmouth Harbour. The work has been carried out to deepen and widen a four-mile (7km) channel to allow the the navy’s new 65,000-tonne aircraft carriers to dock. It also uncovered eight cannon, an aircraft… Read More
With residents in an uproar about worrying changes to their beloved beach, the Margate city commissioners will meet Wednesday to consider legal action to halt dune construction work ordered by Gov. Christie that the city says has exacerbated drainage and flooding problems on the beach rather than solving them. “Fix our beach!” residents shouted over… Read More
The government is going to launch a Tk 956-crore river dredging project for smooth transportation of heavy equipment of Rooppur nuclear power plant from Mongla to Pakshey. The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) yesterday approved the project for dredging the river route from Mongla via Chandpur-Mawa-Goalanda to Pakshey to be implemented by… Read More
Pinellas County Commissioners approved two items of business July 18 that moves forward work aimed at improving the water quality in Lake Seminole. Considered as an “impaired waterbody” due to elevated levels phosphorous and nitrogen in the lake, the county has been working to improve the water quality since it began to decline in the… Read More
Chairman of Mormugao Port Trust (MPT) I Jeyakumar said the report prepared by the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) on shoreline monitoring through beach profile measurements at about 44 cross sections covering both the North and South Goa beaches and baseline information on the Goa coast profile changes have revealed that there is no effect… Read More
Binney Park pond is being dredged and residents have expressed concern about the fate of the wildlife during the project. Currently a series of chain link fences encircle the pond which has been de-watered. The dredge material – approximately 9,500 cubic yards of sediment – will be removed, transported off site and disposed of in… Read More
A manufacturing plant in Hoosick Falls that has been the focus of the contamination of the village’s water supply has been designated a federal Superfund site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to sources familiar with the matter. The declaration allows federal resources to be used to help clean up areas in the village… Read More
Thousands of volunteers turned out twice in the past 10 years to save downtown Cedar Falls from record and near-record flooding. Those same citizens, and others, will hear about a project they’ve long been awaiting at a meeting 5 p.m. Thursday at the Cedar Falls Community Center, 528 Main St. The city will hold a… Read More