CAIRNS Regional Council’s call for the State Government to take responsibility for the dumping of Trinity Inlet dredge spoils has received backing from the Local Government Association of Queensland. Groups across the Far North are finalising their recommendations ahead of the closure of submissions to the project’s environmental impact statement at 5pm today. The council… Read More
‘Vasco da Gama’, a huge trailing suction hopper dredger owned by Belgium group Jan De Nul N V, will reach the shores of Mumbai on August 29 to start work on a €250-million contract to deepen and widen the channel of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, India’s busiest container port, to help dock bigger ships. But,… Read More
The Port of Coos Bay is taking steps to move forward with a proposed channel modification project. The Army Corps of Engineers is opening a public scoping phase in preparation of an environmental impact statement. The project will expand the existing channel from 37 to 45 feet deep, and from 300 to 450 feet wide…. Read More
Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced his plans for a $12 million project to remove the algae-making phosphorous to clean area lakes has begun. His Clean Lakes Community Forum Tour kicked off Monday at the Monona City Council meeting. Work on the first phase of Dane County’s four-year effort to remove phosphorus-laden sediment from streams… Read More
Montrose Golf Links, whose 450-year-old medal course is under threat from the erosion, has pointed the finger at the port for ‘wasting’ the dredged material by dumping it at Lunan Bay. Links director Chris Curnin claimed if the material was put onto Montrose beach in the correct position it would have a “significant impact and… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers thinks if it deposits sediment on the west side of the Matagorda Ship Channel instead of the east side, it won’t have to dredge as often. The deadline to comment on this proposed change is Sunday. Then, the commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston’s division will… Read More
Backers of a proposal to allow maintenance dredging in Duck Key’s canals scaled back a draft ordinance going to Monroe County planners next Wednesday. A revised Aug. 11 application from Duck Key Benefit Inc., a residents’ organization, drops language that could have allowed dredging in an access channel beyond Duck Key’s internal canal system, and… Read More
A FIGHT is brewing between Cairns Regional Council and the State Government over who should bear the cost if something goes wrong with the dumping of dredge spoils from Trinity Inlet. In the revised draft environmental impact statement for the Cairns Shipping Development Project the council would be responsible for about 5km of pipelines delivering… Read More
Two years after the Greymouth port purchased a second-hand dredge from Tasmania, it is finally working. The Greymouth Star was given a demonstration yesterday and witnessed how a mechanical cutter head is lowered 3-4m to the silted bottom of the Blaketown lagoon. The head disturbs the bottom, creating a slurry of silt, which is then… Read More
The Saquatucket Harbor waterside dredging and reconstruction project will be moving forward this fall, but no decision has been made at this point on whether the town will proceed with the landside project based on the bids opened last week. Selectmen on Monday night voted to award the waterside reconstruction project to BTT Marine Construction… Read More
Erosion-plagued Wild Dunes will get another shot of sand in the fall aimed at stabilizing a resort beach where a history of lost shoreline has included golf course damage and ocean water swirling under condos. Officials hope the latest effort at restoring the shore will be underway in October and completed in a little more… Read More
Al Hamra Group (AHG) has revealed that it is in the process of renovating all of the beaches within Al Hamra Village, a master-planned community in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. The project, which is being conducted by Netherlands-headquartered contractor, Van Oord, will cost approximately $10m (AED36.7m), and is scheduled to complete before the end of… Read More
A major restoration of 11 miles of the Los Angeles River is on the cusp of taking a leap forward. Tomorrow, the City Council’s Arts, Entertainment, Parks and River Committee will consider an agreement between the city and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that would allow for preliminary studies and pre-construction work to get… Read More
After two years of waiting, it seems boaters may finally have something to celebrate as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is preparing bid documents for dredging in the Back Creek Basin and near the C&D Canal. Gavin Kaiser, the Corps’ C&D Canal project manager, told the Whig on Friday that the Corps’ Philadelphia District… Read More
Falmouth harbour’s multi-million pound dredging project has hit another stumbling block as the organisation which will make the final decision raises concerns over the potential damage to the environment. It was hoped a decision would have been made earlier this year, giving approval in principle so the project could go forward, but it is now… Read More