The Port of Longview plans to dredge its harbor area and dump dredge spoils in the Columbia River near Dibblee Point. The Port has applied for a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers to dump up to 50,000 cu. yards of dredge material in a 26-acre area on the north side of Lord Island… Read More
Nearly £25 million will be spent on a radical flood defence plan to safeguard hundreds of homes and businesses in rural Perthshire. Councillors are poised to give the go-ahead to the long-awaited Comrie Flood Protection Scheme. It follows severe flooding in 2012 which left homes under water and sparked a major rescue effort. A study… Read More
Dredging equipment for work on the $44 million Breakwater Wharf Extension project is expected to arrive in the Port of Eden early next week. The dredge – known as ‘Machiavelli’ – is scheduled to leave Melbourne tomorrow, Friday, September 1, and could arrive in Eden as early as Monday, weather permitting. ‘Machiavelli’ will move up… Read More
Last winter’s fierce rainstorms have undone much of the recent work to clean up the Napa River’s shipping channel, and the city is taking a first step toward re-dredging the waterway – while awaiting a hand from federal disaster relief. A project to remove storm-driven sediment from the River Park Marina gained City Council on… Read More
The town was awarded a $500,000 state grant Tuesday, the remaining third of the $1.5 million total needed to complete the Manchester Harbor dredging project. The project will remove 24,676 cubic yards of sediment to restore the depth of the harbor areas to a minimum of 8 feet wide at low tide. It supports a… Read More
The West Indian Company (WICO) dock can now accommodate three megaships simultaneously, WICO announced Tuesday. The news was revealed during WICO’s latest board meeting, which took place on August 22. The accommodation of larger ships was among a myriad of announcements made by Clifford Graham, WICO’s newest CEO, along with his executive staff, during the… Read More
Dave Parilla has been trying for years to fix a problem for Fort Myers Beach: the slow and steady shallowing of the island’s canals. The canals on Estero Island, constructed in the 50s and 60s, have never been dredged, and with no maintenance program in place, they’re naturally filling themselves in and could be getting… Read More
Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) will carry out operational dredging of the Bug-Dnieper-Lyman Canal (BDLC) and Kherson Sea Canal (KSC) to support their technical characteristics and operating conditions. Expected cost of works is UAH 111.99 million. The volume of dredging is 1.026 million cubic meters. Dredging is planned to be carried out within four months… Read More
U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., and Rep. Bob Brady, D-Pa., joined with local officials at the Port of Philadelphia’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal on Friday, Aug. 25 to announce that funding has been secured to complete the Delaware River Deepening Project. The project, which has been in the works for 25 years, is deepening the… Read More
New York State is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for dumping dredged materials in Long Island Sound. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced Thursday that the State of New York would be taking legal action against the EPA after it said in 2016 it would dump dredged materials into the eastern Sound…. Read More
A boatie who tried to launch in Whanganui ended up grounded and waiting for high tide. Bruce Edwards said he tried launching 90 minutes after low tide on August 23. His 5m boat got stuck, and he had to wait for high tide. Others with larger boats couldn’t launch at all for about three hours,… Read More
International Paper is evaluating pipelines under the Savannah River that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wants removed and replaced to keep them out of the way of dredging as the harbor is deepened. Pipelines built in 1972 and 1989 connect the mill facility on Lathrop Avenue to its treatment facility on Hutchinson Island. The… Read More
Controvesial plans to dredge the Goodwin Sands have been scaled back. The Port of Dover, which has faced fierce opposition in its attempts to dig the sandbanks, will now take some of the aggregate from another site. It says it is still applying to dredge the sands, 7.5 miles away off Deal, but has found… Read More
Work is under way to remove 10,000 tonnes of silt from a Gloucestershire dock to improve navigation. The Canal & River Trust says the work at Sharpness Dock will keep the route from the River Severn into the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal clear. It is using a mud pump to suck the silt from the… Read More
Joel Scussel stood on a wooden dock along the Dismal Swamp Canal on a clear and somewhat cool summer morning. The dock at Arbuckle Landing sits by the end of the feeder ditch where water flows east from Lake Drummond, which is in the middle of the Great Dismal Swamp. The calm waterway Thursday was… Read More