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LPD 22 contract could be worth $105 million to BAE San Diego

CA, United States

BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair, San Diego, Calif., has been awarded a $90,267,436 firm-fixed-price contract for the execution of the USS San Diego (LPD 22) fiscal 2021 docking selected restricted availability. The availability will include a combination of maintenance, modernization and repair of the San Antonio class amphibious transport dock The contract includes options… Read More

Army Research Engineers Test DamBot at Fort Worth District Lake

TX, United States

TEMPLE, Texas – In an effort to prevent personnel exposure to high-risk environments and dangerous but necessary maintenance tasks, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is currently developing an autonomous robotic system known as DamBot. As part of this pilot program, ERDC’s Information Technology Laboratory’s Robotic Assessment of Dams (DamBot) team traveled… Read More

Block Island Dredging Projects In Line For Federal Funds

RI, United States

Maintenance dredging of Great Salt Pond and of Block Island Harbor of Refuge are included in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FY2022 budget. NEW SHOREHAM, RI — President Joe Biden’s proposed fiscal 2022 budget provides $6.8 billion for Army Corps of Engineers civil works programs, and several Rhode Island projects stand to benefit, the USACE… Read More

BOEM, Corps of Engineers team up to speed offshore wind planning

NC, United States

A formal agreement between the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Army Corps of Engineers will pull more resources into federal planning for offshore wind energy, helping BOEM deal with the Biden administration’s big push to open more federal waters to leasing. Announced Monday, the agreement allows the Army corps to provide BOEM with… Read More

Dredging Underway In St. Joseph Harbor with Great Lakes Dock and Materials LLC from Muskegon

MI, United States

Dredging in the St. Joseph Harbor is underway. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ordered emergency dredging due to the water being as shallow as 13 feet in May, making it impossible for larger vessels to reach the inner harbor. Congressman Fred Upton says that put in jeopardy several construction projects in the region, including… Read More

Sarasota celebrates completion of Corps re-nourishment project at Lido Beach by Cottrell Contracting

FL, United States

SARASOTA, Fla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District, Sarasota City officials and local beach lovers gathered to celebrate the completion of the district’s Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction project at Lido Beach May 27, 2021. With parts of Lido Beach eroding over time, the Corps partnered with the city of Sarasota and… Read More

Workforce Recruitment Program helps diversify workforce and recruit talent

MN, United States

The Workforce Recruitment Program, or WRP, is a national recruitment program that helps federal employers hire college students and recent graduates with disabilities for temporary or permanent positions. The WRP database contains more than 2,000 resumes from individuals with disabilities from a wide variety of majors and backgrounds, with candidates ranging from first year undergraduate… Read More

After years of delay, state says construction will start this year on $107 million South Shore coastal project

NY, United States

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y — A project intended to protect the South Shore’s coastal communities is finally set to get underway in the fall after years of delays. Funding was approved for the project, known as “Living Breakwaters,” and state-run construction was meant to have begun in 2018, according to a 2017 report from the Advance/,… Read More

Austal USA awarded $44M autonomous design and construction contract for Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF) program

AL, United States

Mobile, Ala. – Austal USA was awarded a $44 million autonomous design and construction contract by the U.S. Navy Jun. 7. The award is an undefinitized contract modification for the expeditionary fast transport USNS Apalachicola (EPF 13) to establish the ship as an autonomous prototype. Austal USA will design, procure, implement, and demonstrate EPF 13… Read More

East Branch Clarion River Lake reopened to public

PA, United States

WILCOX — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony and an open house Thursday at the East Branch Clarion River Lake to mark the completion of the cutoff wall construction project and dam repairs that began in 2014. This event also marks the district’s plans to return to normal… Read More

Bouys on the horizon: Pittsburgh District installs more buoys to increase warning visibility

PA, United States

PITTSBURGH – The Pittsburgh District added horizontal safety buoys to two locks and dams locations, one on the Ohio and one on the Allegheny River, to increase visibility and warn boaters away from the dams. “The last thing we want is to have any type of casualty or fatality out here. We’re doing it because… Read More

USACE completes Charles Point breakwater repairs

NY, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District and its contractor Michigan-based Great Lakes Dock & Materials, L.L.C have completed the repair work to the east breakwater in Great Sodus Harbor, located in Sodus Bay, Village of Sodus Point, Wayne County, NY. Work was completed May 19th, of the $3.86 million contract which covers repairs… Read More

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Minish Park Project is revitalizing the Lower Passaic River in Newark, N.J.

NJ, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is helping to revitalize a former industrial area along the Lower Passaic River in the downtown area of Newark, N.J. In partnership with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the City of Newark, the construction of Joseph G. Minish Park will reduce riverbank erosion and… Read More

USACE Vicksburg District holds annual Engineers Day Awards Ceremony

MS, United States

VICKSBURG, Miss. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District recognized exceptional service during annual Engineers Day Awards Ceremony held at district headquarters in Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 10. Employees were recognized with a variety of honorary individual and team awards.  The hybrid ceremony afforded those working remotely the ability to participate in the… Read More

Corps of Engineers is hosting an open house to gather ideas on managing its dredged material

MN, United States

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is hosting an open house June 22, from 5:30 – 8 p.m., to gather the public’s input on its Mississippi River dredged material management plans near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. The event will be held at the Prairie du Chien City Hall,… Read More

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