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Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center reopens

United States

DULUTH, Minn., – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is reopening the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center in Canal Park 10:00 a.m. July 1. The Detroit District’s Duluth Area Office is opening the Visitor Center to the public after closing for over a year to due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Masks are required inside the… Read More

USACE MOU Signing Ceremony with CDMCS

United States

On June 3rd USACE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Council for Dredging and Marine Construction Safety. The group is the safety voice for the industry. The MOU formally reconfirms the two entities commitment to promote and develop a safety mindset on dredging job sites. Also Read: Breaking News from DredgeWire: USACE and Council… Read More

Austal USA wins Light Amphibious Warfare vessel concept design contract

United States

Austal Limited (ASX: ASB) reports that Austal USA has been awarded a concept studies and preliminary design contract by the United States Navy (USN) for the Light Amphibious Warship (LAW) program. Austal USA is one of five companies contracted by the U.S. Navy to develop LAW concept designs, with a follow-on option for preliminary design,… Read More

Construction begins on the Vermilion Harbor east pier; Kovilic Construction Company Inc starts $1.8mm project

OH, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, and its contractor, Kovilic Construction Company Inc., began repairs of the Vermilion Harbor east pier, located in Vermilion, Ohio, on 11 June 2021. The current $1.825 million contract was awarded on September 30, 2020. The Corps of Engineers is using available funds to repair 216 feet of… Read More

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completes Rochester Harbor east pier repairs

NY, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, and its contractor, Dean Marine & Excavating, Inc., completed the $3.4 million, 600 feet of repair of the Rochester Harbor east pier, located in Rochester, New York, June 16, 2021 The section repaired is in the middle of previously repaired sections, and was close to the original… Read More

USACE’s New Soo Lock 2021 Construction Under Way

MI, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New Lock at the Soo project is on schedule as construction resumed on phase one and is initiated on phase two. Trade West Construction Inc. and joint venture Kokosing-Alberici began moving equipment to the site in April. Trade West continues phase one, deepening the upstream channel to the… Read More

Corps, officials mark start of Crown Point sewer infrastructure improvement project

IN, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Rep. Frank J. Mrvan (IN-1), and Crown Point Mayor David Uran held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of a sewer infrastructure improvement project in Crown Point, Indiana, June 22, 2021. The project includes rehabilitation of sanitary sewers ranked as high priority in an area with high… Read More

Eastern Shipbuilding Awards Two Contracts to Fairbanks Morse Engine to Power U.S. Coast Guard’s RUSH (WMSM-918)

WI, United States

Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD), a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management, announced today that its Fairbanks Morse Engine (FME) division was awarded a contract by Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) to build and deliver the two main propulsion diesel engines (MPDE) for the U.S. Coast Guard’s fourth Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC), the RUSH (WMSM-918). FME will… Read More

Outer Banks set for massive beach nourishment project

NC, United States

Hatteras, N.C. — Close to $100 million will be spent over the next year to build up the beaches in the Outer Banks in the most expensive single year of beach nourishment in Dare County history. Experts say saving the beaches will be a never-ending battle, but it’s one these communities are willing to fight…. Read More

Cape Carteret secures grant to dredge municipal boat ramp channel

NC, United States

CAPE CARTERET — Cape Carteret commissioners voted Monday night to use a state grant alongside town and Carteret County funds to pay for dredging the channel that leads into Bogue Sound from the town boat ramp at the end of Manatee Street. The unanimous vote came during the panel’s monthly meeting in town hall and… Read More

Honoring 246 years of Army and 242 years of USACE heritage

United States

In June 2021, the Far East District reflects on the great accomplishments of the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the nation celebrates their establishments. FED is proud to contribute to the greater USACE mission of sustaining readiness through building and protecting. The U.S. Army’s 246th birthday is June 14, a day… Read More

Developing Valuable Skills in the Middle East with USACE

United States

Engineers in the U.S. Army’s Engineer Regiment typically work either for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or in operational assignments, in the U.S. and around the world. The operational side of the regiment has traditionally been considered more exciting for Army officers because that’s the part that “applies combat power to seize, retain, and… Read More

Army Corps Partners with Academia to Collect Data for Coastal Programs

United States

The US Army Corps of Engineers’ Coastal Inlets Research Program (a team of scientists and engineers studying waves, current, sediment transport and sea-floor change at or near inlets) and James Madison University are collaborating on the new Sand Snap initiative to collect beach sediment data (sand grains) by engaging citizen scientists in data collection. The… Read More

Using simulation tools for operational readiness in maritime and littoral operations

MS, United States

VICKSBURG, Miss. — Operational readiness is a term used throughout the six branches of the U.S. military. The ability of armed forces to conduct the full range of military operations, regardless of a posed threat, is contingent upon how well units are manned, equipped, trained and led. To increase readiness, researchers at the U.S. Army… Read More

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