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Spring 2023 Crosscurrents

United States

The latest Crosscurrents is now available here: In this issue: Major milestones on the Fargo/Moorhead project (pages 5-6) The Corps stepped up with its response for the #SpringFlood2023 (pages 7-11) We broke ground on a habitat improvement project in Bay City, WI (pages 12-13) We recognized the Civil Servants of the Year (page 15) Source

USACE signs agreement with Arkansas Waterways Commission to update tow haulage at Murray Lock and Dam

AR, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District entered into a cost-share Memorandum of Agreement with the Arkansas Waterways Commission to update tow haulage equipment at Murray Lock and Dam on June 9 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The agreement will allow much needed upgrades to be made, increasing productivity and functionality for stakeholders along the… Read More

USACE to solicit $5B contract for Puerto Rico power system stabilization

Puerto Rico

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is expected to issue a solicitation notice by June 20 for a potential $5 billion multiple-award contract for “temporary emergency power augmentation” and “related repairs of generation facilities to stabilize” the electric service in Puerto Rico, according to a recent notice posted on USACE is looking for contractors… Read More

Dredging in Grand Haven by King Co targeting mid-July completion

MI, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District (USACE) is currently utilizing 24-hour dredging in Grand Haven, Michigan during favorable weather to remove shoaling blocking Grand Haven Harbor from commercial traffic. The project is expected to be completed in mid-July. Severe weather and minimal ice cover during the winter led to increased shoaling in several… Read More

Seaward Marine Corp., awarded $12.9 million contract for maintenance dredging

PA, United States

Seaward Marine Corp.,* Norfolk, Virginia, was awarded a $12,936,375 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with five received. Work will be performed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with an estimated completion date of March 9, 2024. Fiscal 2023 civil construction funds in the amount of $12,936,375 were obligated at the time of… Read More

Manson Construction Co., awarded $33 million maintenance dredging contract

OR, United States

Manson Construction Co., Seattle, Washington, was awarded a $33,054,000 modification (P00001) to contract W9127N-23-C-0005 for maintenance dredging. Work will be performed in Astoria, Oregon, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 15, 2023. Fiscal 2023 civil construction funds in the amount of $33,054,000 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of… Read More

Curtin Maritime Corp., awarded $54.2 million contract for San Juan Harbor construction and maintenance dredging

CA, United States

Curtin Maritime Corp.,* Long Beach, California, was awarded a $54,204,676 firm-fixed-price contract for San Juan Harbor construction and maintenance dredging. Bids were solicited via the internet with seven received. Work will be performed in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with an estimated completion date of July 31, 2024. Fiscal 2023 civil construction funds in the amount… Read More

The Dutra Group awarded $14.4 million contract to dredge the Richmond Inner Harbor

CA, United States

The Dutra Group, San Rafael, California, was awarded a $14,471,750 firm-fixed-price contract to dredge the Richmond Inner Harbor. Bids were solicited via the internet with three received. Work will be performed in Richmond, California, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 27, 2023. Fiscal 2023 civil operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $14,471,750… Read More

USACE Hosted Public Meeting to Revisit Dredging Over 31 million cu.yds in Matagorda Ship Channel

TX, United States

Efforts to widen and deepen the Matagorda Ship Channel hit a wall in December when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers withdrew its design plans, saying they needed to redo their environmental assessment for the project. Then this month, the corps announced it was prepared to draft a new environmental study. The corps will host… Read More

USACE Detroit District Identifies Little Lake Harbor Needing Dredging

MI, United States

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District identifies Little Lake Harbor, located near Newberry, Michigan, as a critical need for dredging due to significant shoaling and shoreline flooding. “Little Lake Harbor is a shallow draft harbor that serves as an important Harbor of Refuge and supports Tribal fishing,” LeighAnn… Read More

Proposal to Direct US Offshore Wind Revenues to Beach Nourishment

United States

Waterlog by Howard Marlowe and Dan Ginolfi, Warwick Consultants Offshore Wind Legislation Directs Revenues to Beach Nourishment and Coastal Protection | States impacted by offshore wind projects deserve a cut of the revenues derived from the sale of lease areas to offset impacts to the environment and local economies. The Save Limit Grow Act of… Read More

Corps launches Lower Mississippi River Comprehensive Management Study

LA, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, announced the launch of the Lower Mississippi River Comprehensive Management Study, a five-year, $25 million mega-study that will deliver recommendations for effective and practical management of the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, to the Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of the study is to identify recommendations for… Read More

USACE, USDA and University of Kentucky break ground on new research facility

KY, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District celebrated the groundbreaking of a $65.9 million Forage Animal Production Research Unit with the United States Department of Agriculture and University of Kentucky, May 23, 2023, in Lexington, Kentucky. The new 52,600 square-foot research facility for the USDA Agricultural Research Service, located at UK’s College of Agriculture,… Read More

Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Coastal Resilience Chiefs Report Signing

United States

On June 2, 2023, Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon, USACE Commanding General and 55th Chief of Engineers, signed a Chief’s Report recommending the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Coastal Resilience Study for congressional approval. The recommended plan from the study includes: – Interior breakwaters on the GIWW-side of the barrier islands. – Earthen berm located behind the interior… Read More

Fed to grant emergency exception for Wrightsville Beach renourishment

NC, United States

“if Wrightsville Beach experiences one more major storm the devastation to property could be catastrophic, costing taxpayers as well as the National Flood Insurance Program significantly more.” said Congressman David Rouzer, R-NC The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recently announced it will enact an emergency exception to the Coastal Barriers Resource Act The exception will allow USACE… Read More

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