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CA. Rep Carbajal Surveys Dredging Operations Underway at Ventura Harbor

Posted on April 12, 2024

Congressman Salud Carbajal met with officials with the Ventura Port District to survey the annual dredging underway at the harbor and discuss how $8,471,000 he secured in the 2024 federal funding deal will help ensure safe navigation for Ventura Harbor’s maritime industry and recreational boaters and maintain its public beaches.

The funding signed into law last month by President Joe Biden contained more than $26 million specifically for upkeep of Central Coast harbors and ports.

“Ventura’s harbor is central to its livelihood and lifestyle. Whether it’s the family enjoying a Saturday sail or a fisherman collecting their daily catch, having safe and operational channels and waterfronts are crucial to our region,” said Rep. Carbajal. “I’m proud to have secured these important funds for the Central Coast in the negotiations over this year’s budget agreement, and I will continue to collaborate with Ventura’s hardworking officials to ensure their needs are met as we face more extreme weather patterns and other abnormal threats to the Central Coast’s harbors and ports.”

Michael Blumenberg, Chair of the Ventura Port District’s Board of Port Commissioners, said, “Congressman Salud Carbajal continues to play a vital role in securing the federal funding necessary for our Harbor dredging project each year. His efforts have been crucial in ensuring federal recognition and support for the harbor’s economic and public benefit to the region”.

“The annual dredging project not only facilitates safer maritime navigation in the Ventura Harbor but is essential to maintain the economic vitality of commercial fishing, recreational boating, tourism, and all of our waterfront business partners,” shared Brian Pendleton, Ventura Port District General Manager.

Recently, the Ventura Port District announced the beginning of the annual dredging for Ventura Harbor’s entrance channel, which ensures the harbor remains navigable and safe for the industries and boaters that rely on our harbor’s working waterfront.

The dredging is a collaboration between the Ventura Port District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and their contractor, Manson Construction. Along with keeping the harbor navigable, the dredge efforts provide high-quality sand used to nourish the public beaches in the Ventura Harbor for beach goers.

“As we recognize the importance of this dredging project, we extend our deepest gratitude to Congressman Salud Carbajal for his unwavering support and dedication. His advocacy continues to contribute to the success and dependability of our working waterfront,” Blumenberg said.

Dredging is anticipated to finish in late April and the Ventura Port District invites the community to come and see the renourished beaches at the conclusion of the project. In the meantime, the public is asked to be mindful of the construction activities in the water and on the beach and to respect the presence of protected species including the Western Snowy Plover and California Grunion and their essential habitat, which benefits from the responsibly managed sand placement of this project.

More information on the dredging project can be found here.


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