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Brasher Bayou dredging project digs for traction

On Brasher Bayou in Biloxi, it's a "piers to nowhere" scenario.

Posted on November 29, 2023

On Brasher Bayou in Biloxi, it’s a “piers to nowhere” scenario. That’s because this waterway and a few others are clogged with what’s called Submerged Aquatic Vegetation.

“Over the years, this has been silted in and the depth has decreased. As a result, the submerged aquatic vegetation has appeared, and it’s been a big sticking point for us to do the necessary dredging,” said Kenny Glavan, Biloxi Ward 6 Councilman.

Kevin Firth lives here and says he’d love to see this pier to nowhere surrounded by water so he can get his boat into the bayou.

“We have waterfront property where if you have proper access you can enjoy it. Property values also go up. The other issue is drainage,” Glavan added.

He says to get this process going, they need to get their ducks in a row, beginning with a 30-day public comment period.

“So we’ve applied with the Corps of Engineers. They’re going to be sending out letters to residents in this area. It allows people to comment on the project while they’re considering the application,” Glavan added.

If the project gets approval, then some type of funding source would be needed, possibly with GOMESA or tidelands funding.

“We would need help from the DMR and our legislators to secure that funding,” he said.


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