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Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association Newsletter updates on US House Appropriations

Posted on July 8, 2024

On June 28th, the House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy & Water Development passed their FY25 Appropriations Bill for funding that includes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Below are highlights regarding funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that directly impact the AIWW.

  • Provides $9.96 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers, which is $180.2 million below the FY24 enacted program level and $2.7 billion above the President’s Budget Request including:
    • $5.714 billion for Operations & Maintenance projects, of which $3.106,635,000 is from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to cover the Federal share of operations and maintenance costs for coastal harbors and channels

At this point, there is no individual project listing available so we are unable to identify specific funding for the AIWW. Those numbers will be released later in the Appropriations approval process, but the overall increase of $2.7 billion above the President’s Budget Request is good news for water resources projects.

Looking forward, the proposed schedule for consideration of the Energy & Water Development Appropriations Bill is a full Appropriations Committee vote on July 9th, and a full House of Representatives vote on July 29th. This schedule would allow for the E&W Appropriations Bill to be passed prior to the August recess. As of this newsletter, the US Senate has not released a schedule for consideration of their appropriations bills.

Finally, we are pleased to highlight specific requests made by our elected officials and included in the House bill via the Community Project Funding Process (aka Earmarks). The full list is available by clicking here.

  • Representative Brian Mast requested $6 million for the waterway in Florida
  • Representative Greg Murphy requested $4.22 million for the waterway in North Carolina

While this funding is not guaranteed, we are grateful for the waterway funding request submissions by Representatives Mast and Murphy. Please note that other Congressional representatives also made requests for increased programmatic funding for Additional Dredging Needs for Inland Waterways, Small, Remote, or Subsistence Navigation, and Navigation Maintenance but those requests are not publicly posted.

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